3 Tips to Being a Business-Building Queen Bee

Performance Tip of the Week

Are you spending the bulk of your time just trying to maintain the day to day operations of your business?

If yes, then you are playing the losing role of a Worker Bee, and are holding yourself back from achieving significant business growth or success.

The only way to truly leverage your potential is to step into the role of Queen Bee in your business. Sure, you are responsible for keeping your business running, but a significant portion of your time, energy and passion should be focused on the future of your business.

A challenge? Yes, when you are a one-woman show — but certainly not impossible.

Here are some tips you can use to transition yourself into a business Queen Bee

  • Be Purpose-Centered – The easiest way to get off track is to succumb to all the noise and myriad of options that are constantly bombarding you. To be an effective Queen Bee, you must learn to filter out the good from the clutter, and keep your eyes keenly on your main purpose. Work to quickly determine if an option is something to attend to, or toss if it doesn’t align with your purpose. The less time you waste heading down distracting dead-end roads, the more time you will have to spend on building profit.
  • Compartmentalize – Because there are so many little things that you must get checked off your to-do list each week, try to compartmentalize your time, rather than jumping from one task to the next throughout the day. If you need to spend time writing, set aside an entire day so that your brain doesn’t have to constantly switch gears and refocus. If you work with clients, book time with them on specific days of the week, and cluster the appointments to mornings or afternoons. Remember that the Queen Bee is in control of her schedule, whereas the Worker Bee is a slave to it.
  • Learn to Say “No” – This is one of the hardest skills most women have to learn. But a Queen Bee masters the art of diplomacy, discipline and delegation. There are ways to politely turn down even the most persistent people when you know that your schedule just can’t handle one more thing. Offer a more suitable option, rather than accepting the request. Exercise discipline when it comes to taking care of yourself and your highest priorities. You can’t do it all, but you can have everything you’ve always wanted if you focus only on what is most important to you. Finally, the Queen Bee rules because she knows when to delegate. She doesn’t outsource because she can’t do it, but because she knows where she needs to spend her time to reap the most reward.

You have the capacity to be the Queen Bee in your business with the right focus and determination. You will forever remain in the role of the Worker Bee if you refuse to set appropriate boundaries and systems for yourself and others. The choice is yours, but I suggest you drop the shovel and reach for your crown!


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  1. Posted August 10, 2011 at 1:34 pm | Permalink | Reply

    Learning to say “No” has been one of the most valuable gifts I have ever given myself. I no longer over- promise myself and under-deliver. Clients are happier, I feel less stressed (not that working for yourself ever creates stress!!)

    Better yet, I’ve learned to say No in a manner which doesn’t offend anyone. Remember, you cannot make everyone happy, so quit being afraid of the word.

    • Posted August 10, 2011 at 4:22 pm | Permalink | Reply

      Randy, Well said. It’s true that we can waste a lot of time trying to please everyone, and end up really getting the bad end of the stick ourselves. Be the best you can for those you were born to serve, and find complete satisfaction in that. 🙂

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