Getting Your Business Legal

business-legalFor women who start a business, they’re adding more to their existing to-do lists. In addition to shuttling the kids to soccer, planning dinner, and managing the household you now have to register your business, choose a name, set up a site…the list goes on and on!

I have made a career for myself out of helping entrepreneurs in their journey to starting a business. The biggest decision you’ll make in legalizing your business is choosing what type of business entity works best for your brand. Here’s an overview of your options: Continue reading

The Exponential Value of Being a Connector

Welcome to stop #5 on the Productivity for Profits Summer Blog Tour and Giveaway!

I’m honored to be among the 7 experts who are sharing their knowledge to give you the boost you need to enhance your productivity and profit! This week’s stop is designed to teach you how to avoid the overwhelm and insolation of building a business when working as a solo entrepreneur!


Starting a business can be daunting. When I first dipped my toe in the water, it seemed as though I was vigorously swimming upstream with no end in sight. That, combined with feeling pretty isolated by the vastness of cyber space, and working from my home office was a formula for overwhelm. Perhaps you’ve felt that way, or are currently feeling a bit lost and buried building a business all on your own.

First of all, take a deep breath and know that you are not alone! Even if off the top of your head you can’t think of anyone you can reach out to, rest assured that you’ve got me AND the fabulous ladies on this blog tour.

Secondly, I am going to share some great strategies with you so that you can streamline your business operations and start networking with the right people. You will walk away from this post and this week’s gifts armed with the tools to – Continue reading

Is Your Inner Child on the Payroll?

When was the last time you laughed out loud during a work day?

If you were to catch yourself in a mirror while working, what kind of expression would you see?

What type of emotion and energy does your voice convey when you answer the phone?

These are important questions to ask yourself on a regular basis. Why? Because if your work has begun to get a little too serious, and you feel like the dry cleaners are adding too much starch to your shirts, it’s time to bring your inner kid to work. Continue reading

50 Motivational Business Quotes to Inspire a Winner’s Mindset

It’s important to begin each day with a winner’s mindset. Deciding how your day will unfold before you even leave for the office (even if it’s just down the hall) has a powerful impact on the type of day you will experience.

We choose our attitude, focus, and emotions, so why not choose to set you mind in the direction of success too? For me, inspirational and motivational business quotes can have a powerfully positive effect on my thinking, which fuels my actions each day.

As I teach my clients, garbage in is garbage out, so I endeavor to feed my mind with the type of thinking I want to maintain throughout the course of my day. By doing so, I reduce the frequency of my reactivity in the face of challenges, and am better able to uphold an opportunistic mindset.

Below are 50 of my favorite quotes, gathered from fabulous sources around the internet. I hope they will promote a shift toward a winner’s mindset for you, especially when the going gets rough — and it quite often does in business. Cast a vote for your favorite from this list, or add your own in the comments below.

I encourage you to write your favorite winner’s mindset reminder on a note card and place it by your bedside. When you awake each morning, take a moment to read the card, think about how you want your day to unfold, and make it happen.

Life is not a stage on which we were created to struggle — it’s the place where we are daily invited to dance in the spotlight. – Dr. Shannon Reece Continue reading

Pinterest: Growing Your Business One Picture at a Time

Learn how you can use Pinterest for your small businessIn case you haven’t heard, Pinterest is taking off and quite frankly, this is a social media platform that you will want to get to know!

I recently heard that Pinterest is much like a “visual resume.” This one of a kind platform gives you the opportunity to showcase who you are through your passions!

Just like every other social media platform, Pinterest is about developing relationships. And the reality is, once people realize that you are a “real” human being who has likes, passions, hobbies, etc., they are more inclined to look into what you have to offer.

So today, let me share with you some unique ways to use Pinterest to grow your business: Continue reading

Pinterest – Is it a Fad or Lead Generation Tool?

For me the jury is still out when it comes to Pinterest. I have started pinning on a couple of boards, but really don’t understand how this is going to directly drive customers to my business.

To be completely honest, I haven’t taken the time to study the platform and develop any strategies that coincide with my current marketing. This post was a step in the right direction, by reaching out to my Tribe for their feedback. I have to say I was initially surprised by the lack of response. I am left unsure of whether people aren’t really active Pinterest users, or haven’t determined whether or not there is any measurable ROI for their business. Of those who responded, the supporters won out. Be sure to click on the links to their boards to see how they are making use of this new social network.

To learn more on the subject (and share it with you), I scoured the internet and found some great posts and a ton of free resources. Continue reading

In Business It’s All About the Climb

In business it's all about the climbIn case you were unaware, I was invited to be a regular contributor for Dr. Mommy and Friends. I have been having a ball writing for her blog alongside so many other amazing women entrepreneurs and didn’t want you to miss a moment of the content.

My latest juicy post was inspired by Miley Cyrus’s song, The Climb. It got me thinking about how often we as women entrepreneurs worry about, rather than embrace the nuances of the climb in our businesses. I invite you to be inspired by this post if you’ve been feeling held back by all the what-if’s and fears related to growing your business. And please take the time to see what else has been going on at Dr. Mommy and Friends. You won’t be sorry you did. 🙂

More from me –

Starting the New Year on the Right…Thought

Sidestepping “March Madness” In Your Business

3 Steps to Being Queen of Your Castle

When It Comes to Focus, Are You a Bird Watcher or a Hunter?

Thanks for reading and please be sure to leave me a comment if you were touched, inspired or generally feel that life got a bit sunnier after reading my thoughts on business.