A.W.E. Spotlight – Creating the Life You Want

In an effort to always bring you the latest and greatest information, I am happy to present another installment of our Advisory of Women Entrepreneurs Spotlight on Success interview series.

We designed this series to, not only showcase our community of amazing women entrepreneurs, but to also share their best tips, strategies and insights for wanna-be and established women entrepreneurs. Our mission for this community is to bring an incredible group of women together to inspire, motivate, and support women in business by networking, collaborating, and, in the case of this spotlight series, showing you why they shine so brightly!

This week I am excited to share my interview with Nancy Butler, National Speaker and Founder of Above All Else – Success in Life and Business.

In our interview Nancy shares…

  • How she pulled herself up by the bootstraps and built a business following a difficult divorce,
  • Why your mindset can make or break your business,
  • The reason she sought employees who were the opposite of herself,
  • And her best tips for how to exit your business when you are at the top of your game.

If you listen all the way to end you will discover the strategic planning that went into selecting the title of her company. It’s really smart! Nancy’s life and work experiences have provided her a wealth of knowledge she shares openly with others. Be sure to check out the broad range of topics on her blog. Enjoy!

Thank you for watching. If you are interested in joining the Advisory of Women Entrepreneurs (A.W.E.), and being considered for a featured expert spot on an episode of my new Spotlight on Success Show in 2012 CLICK HERE for more information.


While in the process of divorce Nancy took her 2 daughters and with no child support, alimony or other source of income, moved 70 miles away and started her own business. At the new location she was offered a salaried position at a higher pay then she had ever had before, but realized they were hiring her at “the top of the ladder” leaving no place to grow. She did not want a job. She realized what she needed was a career.

She knew nothing about saving, investing or financial planning and had never owned a CD, mutual fund or anything other than a savings account. She told herself that even if the business didn’t work out, the knowledge and experience she would gain would be worth it since what she would learn about managing money would help her raise her children.

Knowing that before too long she would need to put her children through college, she put herself through school and obtained the Certified Financial Planner and Certified Long Term Care Specialist designations. She also became one of the few Certified Divorce Financial Analysts in the State, and has testified in court as an expert witness for divorce.

She built the business from scratch to one of the top asset management and financial planning practices in the country with the company. After 25 years in business, with approx. $200 million in assets under management and 1,200 clients, in 2007 Nancy sold her practice. She is now a national speaker to help business owners do a better job for their clients and improve their bottom line and help individuals live a successful life and realize their dreams. She remains one of the few Certified Divorce Financial Analysts in the state.

Nancy has been quoted in many local and national publications including USA Today and The Day and has been a speaker for major corporations such as Pfizer, General Dynamics and Dow Chemical. Nancy has also been a guest on several live Television and radio call in shows. Connect with Nancy on via her website, Twitter and Facebook.

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  1. […] my recent Spotlight interviews with Business Coach, Vicki Donlan, and National Speaker, Nancy Butler, we discussed the importance of having an exit strategy for your business, even when you are in the […]

  2. […] my recent Spotlight interviews with Business Coach, Vicki Donlan, and National Speaker, Nancy Butler, we discussed the importance of having an exit strategy for your business, even when you are in the […]

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