I’d Like to Walk a Mile in Your Shoes

We all have different stories, different paths in life, different challenges and victories.  It is our differences that make us unique and interesting.  But sometimes, in this heavily virtual world in which we live, it’s difficult to connect on a personal level.  I am writing this post, because I would like to change that.

I want to get to know you, personally.  Yes, you in the individual sense, not “you” in the global sense of all my readers.  Right now I am speaking to just you, and sincerely want to know what it’s like to walk a mile in your shoes.

Why? Because I’ve just been wondering lately what the point is of trying to write for people if you have no idea who they are and what’s going on in their life or business.  Writing to a sea of faceless, nameless people leaves me feeling disconnected.  I’d so much rather be writing to my friends, who are finding guidance, or ideas, or inspiration in what I write, because I know what they want, or need, or would find helpful.

And we can be friends. I want to know your story, your journey.  I am not proposing that we become BFF’s, any more than I want us to remain distant strangers.  I believe there’s a way to find middle ground, where we can get to know each other better.

If you tell me your story and I tell you mine, then we will have a basis on which we can become acquaintances, and that would be a great start!  I am not going to tell you what to share, or how much — that’s completely up to you.  I just hope that you will help me get to know you.

So today, I will begin with a factoid that you may or may not know about me, so here I go…

I am one of those people, who spent a lot of her life pursuing other people’s dreams for my life, and not my own.  I guess it stems from the fact that I am a people-pleaser at heart.  But when you allow that to dictate your decisions, it can keep you from ever really living your life.  Even in graduate school, I found myself following my professor’s line of research, over my own interests.  It took a mid-life crisis at the early age of 29, in the form of complete academic burnout, to shake me out of the rut in which I had lost myself.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because maybe you are on the wrong path for one reason or another.  You can make excuses for where you are, but you can’t blame anyone else for why you stay there.  I allowed my fear to hold me back from living life on my terms.  Are you allowing something or someone to hold you back too?

Taking steps to live the life you were born to live doesn’t mean you have to turn your world upside down in a day.  Just figure out what that life looks like, and then begin taking small steps in that direction.

Now that you know something about me, I hope you will leave a comment and share something too. I really look forward to getting to know you!


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  1. Posted February 17, 2011 at 7:17 pm | Permalink | Reply

    Dr. Shannon,
    Thank you for sharing a piece of your soul and your past. I’ll join with you and share a tidbit of myself. Two years ago I found myself facing a medical crisis that would ultimately rock the very foundation of my daily life. In a very short time, I found myself unable to not only continue to work as a private consultant but I couldn’t even do most of the daily living activities that I had taken for granted. After I got over the initial shock of my new situation (and granted, it took some time), I discovered a new strength inside that I didn’t know I had. I since have completely changed my work environment (and LOVE IT), have become a better mom (more involved) and started living life with the core knowledge that every day is a gift. I’m so very grateful for the days now even if it did take an avalanche to give me the wake up call!

    • Posted February 17, 2011 at 8:02 pm | Permalink | Reply

      Holly, Thank you so much for introducing yourself! It’s delightful to meet you! From your story tidbit, it sounds like you have found a way to put an entirely new spin on your life, which I find incredibly inspiring, even without knowing the details. It’s your perspective and can-do attitude that shine through your words. You are so right, that every day is a gift. It took some mighty and unexpected changes in my life to kick me into the right gear, and like you, I am very grateful. Thank you for sharing your story, and more importantly, for connecting with me here. I really am delighted to meet you, and look forward to getting to know you better. 🙂

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