6 Tips to Outsource to a Diamond in the Rough

When it comes to outsourcing, I would prefer to hire really talented people who are just starting a business,

(1) because I love to help hard-working startups build their business, and

(2) I like to have a list of cost-effective, go-to people to recommend to my clients.

Whenever you outsource to start-up, the question is whether you will find a diamond in the rough, or get what you pay for.  Does higher cost always equal higher quality?  I have recently discovered that Fiverr.com is one of those places where you might find rough diamonds if you are lucky (I found this cool site, and many more in Natalie Sisson’s amazing ebook called the Ultimate Toolkit).  There are men and women starting all kinds of businesses every day, all over the globe, looking for ways to build experience and client testimonials. Wanting to know more about where others have been discovering raw talent, to whom they have successfully outsourced, last week we asked –

Where have you discovered hidden talent for an entry-level price, and how did outsourcing to a start-up enable you to advance your business?

You will see in the submissions this week the great variety in approach when deciding to whom one should outsource.  For the most part, the old adage, “you get what you pay for” probably holds true.  But think back to when you were just starting your business — you were a diamond in the rough waiting for your chance in the spotlight too.  If you have a story of finding a start-up who you outsourced to, we’d love to have you share your source in the comments below.

We extend our sincere gratitude to the six entrepreneurs, with experience in this challenge, who were kind enough to share their stories and sources.  Openly sharing your expertise and experiences is a huge asset to this blog and the readership. I wish you all a wonderful week and hope to see you here again. (The smaller response this week was due to a glitch with HARO this week.)

If you would like to contribute to this week’s question, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this post to find out how you can get involved.  We’d love to have you share your expertise!


1. Outsourcing Is The Backbone Of This Office – Access.office!

I have been outsourcing to highly talented people for over 10 years and that is the backbone of my business. I found so much talent doing this and my clients get the best they can, at a fraction of the price, with this system rather than a more traditional way.

Finding great people has come simply by networking, recommendations, and word of mouth. It pays to connect. By outsourcing, I found specialists in all concentrations, so maybe what would have gone to one person in the past, who has more talent in one area and less in the other, now the clients get more than one person – each specific to one talent and excellent results are always found.

We work as a team and this method keeps my payroll low, as these talented professionals are on the books only when they are working. In between clients, they are free to do work on their own.

Thanks to Gayle Naftaly of Access.office

2. Burning Through People

Sometimes you truly get what you pay for, but big $$ doesn’t always deliver big results. You have to be clear with what you want when you outsource, and with your own expectations. People who give you more bang for your buck will offer solutions to your problems, and they may be able to solve bigger picture problems for you on the long-term.

If you want raw talent, be prepared to train. If you want fully formed talent, be prepared to pay. I burned through people because I expect more than most people can deliver. I had to learn to not expect a duplicate of myself, but to find someone who specialized. For instance, my copy editor became my blog manager, not another social media strategist. Be clear with your expectation for them and for yourself.

As far as sources — Twitter has been a good place because I can watch them for a while first. It gives me a chance to vet them without them even knowing I am looking at them. Plus, crowdsurfing Twitter for leads is great because you get endorsements from your friends and people you trust, making it easier to find someone who you trust.

Thanks to Lauren MacEwen of SM Cubed Consulting

3. Keep Your Eye On Local Colleges And Universities

For my PR business, I found wonderful talent for entry-level prices at our local university, among students in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. One of my first hires can only be described as a “wunderkind”: she was so grounded and had such exceptional skills, that (after she had worked with me for a while) I was able to entrust her with a critical project: organizing my company’s 10th anniversary celebration.

Thanks to Jane Blume of Desert Sky Communications

4. Jazzed About A Jazz Artist

Rochester, NY has an annual jazz festival. One year, a local artist was featured in the newspaper for her portraits of jazz greats. Her work was so remarkable that I sent her a complimentary email. Since then, I’ve learned she is a graphic artist who does all kinds of work for startups — logos, web sites, business cards, et cetera. A startup herself, she will capture your entrepreneurial voice and provide great value as well. View her work at http://www.deniseplogan.com. You, too, will be jazzed about it.

Thanks to Dr. Marlene Caroselli of

5. My Creed

As a business consultant, exceptionally passionate in challenging people to consider the alternative of being employed to becoming an employer. I am always on the look out for who next to inspire and challenge to take this new path. Among the many ways of doing so is helping potential clients develop their confidence and packaging themselves to provide the service or product into a marketable good or service. And what better way to do so, than proving your faith in their abilities by entrusting them with opportunities to help them prove themselves.

It’s also become great starting point in being able to offer the needed advise in the course of the delivery, where necessary, and building partnerships for B2B referrals etc.
It is always important to establish the authenticity of the person.

Thanks to Victor Kwegyir of VIKE INVEST (UK) LTD

6. A Gem Of A Designer

When we redesigned our website, we used ScriptLance.com to find a graphic design artist (Mugur from images-team.ro). He was a relatively new freelancer at the time, but his design-work was excellent. We hired Mugur for the site redesign and many other projects since. He is based in Romania, and while we initially found him on ScriptLance.com, we now work with him directly. He basically created many of our redesigned screen layouts, along with banners and other creatives. His outstanding design service was relatively inexpensive compared to established graphic designers, and let us move forward with a new design without spending an arm and a leg. The only drawback was that we had to code the redesign ourselves, since Mugur could not code when we initially began working with him.

Thanks to Ian Aronovich of GovernmentAuctions.org

Thanks so much again to all our wonderful contributors for your valuable suggestions this week!  We hope to hear from you again.

If you are new to the Question of the Week and would like to get involved, simply follow the link below to get started.  We’d love to have you share your knowledge and experiences here too, and get a bit of PR in the process.

This week’s question is –

Must-read Business Books for Solopreneurs:
As a business owner, one of the biggest tasks is your continuing education. Whether you have a formal degree under your belt or not, you must keep learning in order to keep growing. There are a myriad of business books on the market, some new and others timeless resources for success.

What one business book is on the top of your greatest list of all time, and what is the biggest lesson it taught you about business?

Why should I join the discussion?

Because this online forum is a great place for us to exchange ideas, learn from each other and network. My goal is to unite successful women entrepreneurs to share our insights and solutions to the challenges we most commonly face in our businesses.

How do I get involved?

Every Monday I will post a new Question of the Week. This is a great opportunity for you to bring your expertise to the table. Using the link below, please submit a one paragraph response before the deadline, and the following week I will share our community responses on my blog.


I look forward to your response to this week’s question! If you have any questions you know where to find me. Have a great week!


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