59 Mompreneurs’ Best Business Survival Tips

When your business is your only “baby” that can be time-consuming enough.

And yet mompreneurs seem to be finding ways to juggle raising new businesses, as well as their families with success. So last week we sought the wisdom of our mompreneur community and asked –

As a mompreneur, what is your best survival tip when your business AND your kids are in diapers at the same time?

Whether still in the midst of the challenge, or several years beyond, these amazing entrepreneurs found ways to make it work. There is some consensus, but there are also some extremely innovative ideas you will find truly inspiring. 

There’s no doubt that one of the biggest elements to successful juggling is organization.  Many moms strive to merge their work and life worlds, whereas others segregate their time and build flexible structures, enabling them to work around the family schedule.  The consensus is finding the system that works best for you.

Two of my favorite tips are the idea of the mompreneur collective shared by Colleen Leader, and Dr. Barnsley Brown’s HBDO formula. If you have been struggling to find a way to be a successful mom and entrepreneur, you are bound to find a solution from our expert panel.  And if you have a tip share, we’d love to hear about it, so please leave a comment below this post.

Our sincere gratitude to the 59 entrepreneurs who were kind enough to share their best survival tips. Openly providing your expertise and experiences is a huge asset to this blog and the readership. I wish you all a wonderful week and hope to see you here again.

If you would like to contribute to the next post and get some free PR, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this post to discover this week’s question and find out how you can get involved.  We’d love to have you on a future post!


1. Doing It All? Prepare To Fall!

Running a business while being a caretaker is a situation very similar to mompreneurship. I’ve learned to ask for help when I need it, instead of taking pride in the fact that I “could do it all.” I couldn’t. Stress was making me ineffective. Finally, I put pride aside, and asked –sometimes, for a deadline-extension, sometimes for assistance with a project, sometimes simply for someone to run errands so I could get work done. We have to be good to ourselves, I’ve learned, so we can do good for those we love most in this world.

Thanks to Dr. Marlene Caroselli of Center For Professional Development

2. Work & Homelife Balance Happens On Purpose

Balance happens when you make it the highest priority. I tell clients upfront, I do not answer the phone after a certain hour; work after a certain hour; work on certain days. When I explain this is done to spend time with the family, I’ve never lost a client. If they did object, I would fire them. I still make a good living and my stress level is low because I am not working from a point of desperation, I am working from a point of purpose.

Thanks to Randy Morrow of Keller Williams Realty–Divorce Specialist

3. Three Helpful Survival Tips

Time Management and Organizational Skills are the likely answer, but as the mother of a two-year-old and a five-year-old, I have learned that it takes more to make it all work. Survival points I would suggest are:
1) Prepare at night (when the kids are asleep); do as much as you can for the following day.
2) Build social media and free internet programs into your business model (i.e. Tungle.me, Hootsuite, auto responders). Schedule your tweets, make all of your resources available online via your website.
3) Sit your kids down and explain to them that you are an Entrepreneur. Explain to them that your work is slightly different from other parents.
4) Schedule your days in increments of 2-3 hours if your kids are not in school. If everyone is on a schedule, it cuts down on interruptions.

Thanks to Tawana Necole of Corporate Chics, LLC

4. Burning The Midnight Oil

CHINA….no, not the kind you eat on, the country! — Run a company where your developers are in China and you can work from 8pm – midnight while your kids are sleeping and China is just getting up! I run a company that creates apps (children’s educational and other companies) and I mainly run it from 8pm to midnight!

Thanks to Jill Mikols Etesse of SmartyShortz

5. Organization Is Key

I truly believe that “Mompreneurs” have to successfully organize and departmentalize their lives to function as both the matriarch of the family and as business owners. As a mother of a 4, 7, and 14-year-old, wife, as well as the Founding Partner of a company, I often find that I am pulled in many directions and in the past, felt stretched too thin.

I had to organize my life, the same way a doctor sees his patients. The mornings are for family time. The work day is confined (for the most part) to the work day. Evenings are for dinner, homework, and regrouping. Nights are for exercise and relaxation. I try not to work too much from home. (If possible) It makes my day go by much more smoothly, and my family looks forward to our time together.

Thanks to Tiffany Overton of Eldridge Overton Educational Programs

6. Sanity Saving Strategy For Mompreneurs

One of the most invaluable strategies I learned was to find a mentor who has been there and done that. That support, empathy, and understanding is absolutely invaluable. Knowing that someone has experienced what you are going through also gives you the mental edge that anything is possible.

Thanks to Danielle Miller of ONESMARTCOOKIE, LLC

7. Cook & Freeze

My business survival tip is to spend one day cooking enough meals for a week. It is hard enough trying to care for a baby, husband, household and your business. Making the babies bottles ahead of time. Preparing the babies food ahead of time and cooking the meals is a time saver and it helps me keep focus on the business. I just spend my Sundays cooking for the week; freeze the meals and off to do what is important.

Thanks to Eula M. Young, COO of Griot’s Roll Film Production & Services Inc.

8. Create A Kid Friendly Work Space

I have a two-year-old son and a new baby expected in October. For me, owning my own business has been the best solution to earning a living and raising a family at the same time. It can however, be a struggle to do both jobs well. My number one strategy has been to have my son come to the office daily around lunch time when everyone is able to take a break and play and enjoy him. We have set up an art area for him at the office, as well as a play carpet, and we all take turns keeping him busy and engaged. When the new baby arrives, she will come to work with me as well.

Thanks to Brina Bujkovsky of Personalized Wedding Anniversary Gifts

9. Create A Checklist And Check Things Off As You Complete Them

I began my company while pregnant with my daughter, and now that she is almost 1. I have to say it has been a roller coaster learning how to juggle family, raising a new baby and starting a business. I have found that by creating a daily checklist it helps me to stay organized. And, even on tough days when I can’t seem to find time for work, I stay positive knowing that simple things like checking emails (in the early AM while everyone is sleeping), or posting to social media sites can be checked off the list. I feel productive when I can see things accomplished and checked off, even if I can’t put in 8-10 hr. days. I know the work will be there tomorrow and who knows, maybe the baby will cooperate and take her naps, so Mommy can get work done during daylight hours.

Thanks to Robin McCoy-Ramirez of Inspired By Savannah LLC

10. Realize At The End Of The Day You Are Only Human!

As a wife, SAHM (stay at home mom) to three girls and a small business owner, the best tip of the day is to come to terms with being human. Sounds silly, but as women I find we try to live up to ridiculous standards and feel bad when we fall short. For me I have been haunted by the notion of “super mom” doing it all without breaking a sweat. Why can’t I do everything? Why does my to-do list keep growing? What is the matter with …me? Well I’m human. Managing day-to-day takes work, and growing your business takes time. It will happen. Work hard, do what you can, and at the end of the day pat yourself on the back because you are only human!

Thanks to Rachael Hardiman of 3Princesses Engraving

11. Lists Save My Sanity!

Realtors like to repeat location, location, location!. Mom entrepreneurs need to repeat lists, lists, lists! Lists will help keep your organized, productive and SANE! I spend a couple of hours every week creating and updating my lists; I have lists for the big kids (chores, weekly reading), the home (dinner menu, grocery list, bills), my business (customers to contact, documents to update, articles to read) and personal lists (scheduling dinner date with hubby, doctors appointments, etc). Now, Im organized and now exactly what I need to do while the baby is awake. When the baby is ready for a nap, I also immediately know which items on the lists need to be handled, such as phone calls which require quiet in the background not baby noises. Seeing them get checked off keeps me motivated!

Thanks to Jolyn Brand of Brand College Consulting

12. Find Your ITP (What The Hell Is That?)

“How do you juggle it all?” Is one of the most common questions I get! My secret? Find your “ideal time of productivity”. Mine is late at night into the early morning hours when the house is quiet and the kids are fast asleep. I don’t have to stop and start a project 45 times to change a diaper, set up an activity for the older kids or answer 5 phone calls. I can really focus on my work. You know when you are at your most productive time of the day. It’s when your mind is the clearest, and you can really get things done. Find that time, whenever it is, and use it to the max. Structure your day, childcare and meetings around that time. When I’m working in my ITP, I’m likely to get double the amount of work done in less time which is what we all strive for! When is your ITP?

Thanks to Amy Stewart of Moxie Mommas

13. Tips From An Entrepreneurial Mother Of The Year

I as the 2004 EMMA Award Winner for Entrepreneurial Mother of the Year. These are the things I’ve learned over the years. First, get support. There were many times my family didn’t understand the journey I was on. The Entrepreneurial Mother’s Association connected me with people who did. It’s the only group I’ve ever been with where, “I landed the biggest contract of my career” and “My three-year-old mastered potty training” were received with equal enthusiasm. Second, remember when they told you “nap when the baby naps” do it! I got a lot of work done late at night after everyone was asleep. Finally, be a role model for your kids. I love the example I’m setting for my son and daughter that a mom can be available to meet their needs and have a successful career at the same time.

Thanks to KellyAnn Bonnell of Infinite Spectrum Productions

14. Where Domestic Mother, Savvy Business Partner And Woman Meet

The way I survive running a business and running around with my kids is couponing. I know it sounds like it would actually take time away from my day, but it actually helps me organize it. I found that at CheapSally.com I can find deals on groceries, office supplies, back to school shopping, airfare and it even helps me find great spa daily deals (when I need a moment to myself). Having a one stop shop where business and family can come together has helped run my business and family life more effectively. I am able to make time for the domestic mother, savvy business partner and woman in me. What really makes me feel like a mompreneur is being able to save money and time while doing it successfully and efficiently

Thanks to Stephania Andrade of CheapSally.com

15. Why Are You Trying To Do It All?

The biggest failure I see women business owners do is try to run a home-based business without proper child care. I advise all moms NOT to do that. You end up feeling like a failure on both ends. You’re not giving your kids or business proper attention. My best advice if you want to keep your kids close and enjoy the best of both worlds: Hire an in-home nanny. Your kids will still have access to you. You will know what’s going on in terms of their care. And you will have proper attention for both areas of your life.

Thanks to Michelle Gamble-Risley of 3L Publishing, LLC

16. Remove The Office From Home-Office

Originally, I ran my business out of my home since I thought that would be easiest with raising kids. Looking back, I would do things differently and definitely rent an office. I would have gotten so much more accomplished!

Thanks to Maya Brenner of Maya Brenner Designs

17. It Takes a Team

Best Tip: Build a team of caregivers, your spouse and family/friends. Someone who can pick the baby up from childcare in an emergency (i.e., say you are in an important business meeting and the child care center calls to tell you to pick the baby up immediately due to fever and your husband is in a meeting as well – you need backup). You may need help with shopping and running errands. Husband and wife should decide early on whose job will be a priority, or the importance of each other’s work in relationship to each other. We decided early on that as a couple we would invest and nurture my career since I was the attorney. My husband’s work for non-profits as a social worker is very important, but there are no promotions and constant layoffs in his profession due to budget cuts by the state.

Thanks to Marcia Perez of Perez Immigration Law

18. Don’t Forget About Your Cheap (Yet Highly Effective!!!) Electronic Assistant

Let your answering machine pull some of the weight of operating the business. Record a phone message that requests email addresses, or initial email contact, from callers. This way, you can respond to callers without actually speaking. This is a perfect solution for those who have difficulty finding quiet times to accept/return phone calls. If your business commands continuous phone interaction, however, try using a cordless phone or cell phone, which enables you to easily walk outside or into a quiet area of the house when answering calls. Those on the other end of the line will never know you’re sitting on a toilet (lid down, of course!) or sitting, leaned up against the dryer in your laundry room.

Thanks to Teena Rose of ResumeBiz.com

19. Throw The Guilt Out With The Dirty Diapers!

My company was about a year old when my son was born. I had planned to take 6 months maternity leave and let the other founding partners handle the business. But as my son reached the 8 week mark, one of the partners, my husband, company CFO and officer in the US Army Reserve, deployed to Iraq with only 2 weeks notice. I had to figure out how to be a functionally single mom to an infant and retake the reins of our fledgling business. Suddenly I found myself compromising on all sorts of parenting philosophies, including putting my new baby in the arms of a nanny while I worked. I was flooded with guilt. Then someone gave me a great piece of advice. “Let the guilt go. It is not doing your kid any good.” I reorganized my thinking and realized what I do now is for my boy’s long-term future.

Thanks to Jeanine Adinaro of Third Coast Herb Co., Inc.

20. Working For The Woman

My children are long out of diapers, but since the early days I have put my kids to work…for me! Whether it was stuffing envelopes and making labels when they were tots to managing data bases and contact lists as teens; co-mingling my personal and professional lives has helped me balance both worlds. I always pay them and supply plenty of snacks to make the time and tasks more fun. Added bonus? Both my children (now in their teens) really understand what my business is all about. So when my work takes me away from home, they understand what it is I am actually doing!

Thanks to Leslie Josel of Order Out Of Chaos

21. Make Business Time Part Of Your Day

It is easy to find time for everything but your business when you are juggling small children, too. Schedule business time into every day, time to spend on business duties only. When you commit to a certain time, make sure you are there every day, even if just for a minute or two.

Thanks to Elizabeth Cogliati of Lizbeth’s Garden

22. MoMPreneur: MP Is The New CEO

We run the day to day, plan for the future, solve problems, and create a work-life balance. We are moMPreneurs (MPs). Creating systems to handle all of the demands on moms who are entrepreneurs is the most important part of being able to do it all. Hire an intern as a driver to get you from place to place, so that you can answer emails and make phone calls in transit. Auto-pay everything, but make sure you are in touch with everything. Keep your business money and personal money separate. Spend time, not money on your kids. Keep a “done list” so that you realize all that you accomplish. Shop and Prep for a week’s worth of meals on Sunday, and make snack packs of healthy food to throw into lunches, your purse, or your picnic basket. Keep a running “to-do” list and delegate as much as possible.

Thanks to Cyndi Finkle of Art Works Studio

23. Baby Vs. Babies

I pre-pack my kids’ lunch boxes and snacks before I start working so I’m not interrupted all day with meal-making. I also fill the kitchen table with playdoh, coloring books, board games etc. so the kids can play happily next to me while I send out emails. I still nap my kids around lunchtime each day, so I put on a favorite movie & make the tv room comfortable and dark. This way I get an extra hour of work. My hardest job is being on the phone, so I let the kids know I’m about to make a call and they play a game to see who can be the quietest. Finally, I try to do all my work in the morning and promise the kids they will have all the mommy time in the world if I finish quickly. I just try to do the best I can, and give my kids all the love in the world!

Thanks to Vanessa Pennisi of EnviroTrend

24. The Motherload

As a single mother of four and an entrepreneur, I can attest to the difficulty of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship. Like a top-heavy vehicle, you can get where you need to go, but you are putting your children, your business and yourself in harm’s way when not balanced correctly. My number one tip is to have a very good support system in place. I have family and friends I can call if I need to have somebody watch the children, because I need to meet with a potential client or do an on-site tour. Also, I leverage this support system by delegating some business tasks so I can spend more quality time with my kids (i.e my sister typing up business forms).

Thanks to Hope King of Black-Tie Babysitting

25. Take Time For Self

We are often last on the “to do” list. Set aside time during each day. (If you worked in an office you’d get a lunch hour and two 15 minute breaks.) Book a sitter once a week and go out to dinner with your spouse or for a drink with friends–sans blackberry. It’s for your well-being.

Thanks to Shnieka Johnson of ShniekaJohnson.com

26. Step Away From The Blackberry!

It takes a lot of self-control, but knowing when to turn the electronics off is the single, most important tip I can offer to other mompreneurs. As a small business owner, I know the importance of being accessible and constantly checking my emails, FB page & tweeting. However, choose set times throughout the day when you can truly step away and enjoy your children, family and just being a mom!

Thanks to Christy Cook of Teach My

27. Every Mompreneur Needs a Smart Phone

I am a mom of 2 kids under 5, and also own an online children’s bookstore. My smart phone has been a life saver. I call it my office on the go. I receive notifications of orders, update my social media platforms, check emails, communicate with vendors and customers all from that singular device. I get a lot of work done waiting in line at the bank, waiting to see the doctors and even while watching the kids play.

Thanks to Bola Ajumobi of Slimy Bookworm

28. Don’t Go It Alone…join Other Mompreneurs To Divide And Conquer!

When I first started, I was overwhelmed trying to schedule meetings while the kids were napping, or providing “activities” hoping they stay busy during a conference call. I knew a few moms in my area with same issues. We decided to join forces twice a week and create a Mompreneur collective. 2x’s a week 5 moms get together with all the kids. Three have office hours (get on conference calls, go to meetings), while the other two moms do a craft/playtime with the kids. The get together lasts about 3 hours and the kids love visiting with their friends. The moms are able to get work done during the day and still be home with the kids. Recently, we decided to add dinner into the mix. We take turns creating a quick “1 pan meal” to take home that night. EVERY Mompreneur needs a group like this!

Thanks to Colleen Leader of Kicks By MKC

29. The Two Most Important Hours Of Your Day

The most important part of my day is the couple of hours of quality time I set aside to spend with my kids when I get home – no emails, texts, or phone. Whether it’s sitting down to have dinner together, board games, putting on music and having a dance party, coloring or playing with their trains or dolls, it’s key to carve out a period of time when you can truly connect with your kids and they feel like they have your undivided attention. I make a conscious effort to ask my children what the highlight of their day is, and my daughter often says “right now!” Work and family do not have to be mutually exclusive – by showing your kids that regardless of how many professional obligations you have, they will always be the most important, you are shaping a healthy perspective of work/family balance for them for the future. Making a point to really talk about how they are feeling and what is going on at school, reading stories together and connecting is such an important daily reinforcement.

Thanks to Dawn Baker of Dawn Baker

30. Take Lots Of Breaks

I started my business when my son Vince was 2 (and still in diapers). I knew when I started my business that my priority was always my 3 kids, no matter what. So with that said, I took lots of breaks and paced myself knowing what I could potentially accomplish, while still caring for my children full-time. It isn’t easy, but taking frequent breaks to feed, play with, read and enjoy your children is one way a mom entrepreneur can survive.

Thanks to Sheena Edwards of Lizzie Lou Shoes

31. Launching & Labor

I worked on my start-up for 18 months prior to our launch. During that time, I found out I was pregnant after wrestling with infertility for years. I had a 4-year-old son and life was just getting easy. I was successfully juggling my work and being an involved Mom – then, hello positive pregnancy test. Cece is now 5 months old and the one thing I’ve learned while launching a business, having a newborn and a preschooler, is the need to be clutter free! With a budding preschool hoarder, it’s a challenge. As soon as the mail comes in, I sort it and recycle the paper, shred the credit card offers and organize into to-do’s and things to file. It’s a little thing that keeps me on the right side of sane!

Thanks to Sharon Gaffney of MeebleMail

32. From Breast Feeding To Bootstrapping – How To Raise Your Business (and Baby) On A Budget

When starting a business & raising a child the biggest concern is how to raise the funds to grow your business & rear your child. In preparing to have a child & start my own businesses I always looked at ways that I could cut costs before I spent the first penny. For example, feeding your baby – breastfeeding solves many of the early expenses in child rearing. It’s a free source of nutrition & a great way to set your child up for success. Likewise, by finding inexpensive ways to “feed” your business through low-cost human resources like interns, a business is set-up for long-term success. Instead of pouring money into hiring an employee, I bootstrapped my business with interns. My success with interns has also provided a great “mompreneur” opportunity to mentor young adults & give back.

Thanks to Dreama Lee of Efficient Enterprises, Inc.

33. Elmo IS Your Friend!

My #1 Survival tip for having a baby and a business in diapers is to understand that Elmo IS your friend! (so is Barney, Little Einsteins and really anything on PBS Kids.)

When you are raising a baby and a business you will find times when it is necessary to take urgent calls, yet your baby will want attention or simply have zero desire to be quiet. Having a distraction that works every time is a huge blessing. For me, it was ELMO.

But more important is the ability to get really clear about what works for YOU and YOUR family and allows you to run YOUR business. Let go of what the “experts” say you need to do to raise a happy and healthy child and learn to trust what works for your specific situation.

Thanks to Patty Lennon of Mom Gets A Life

34. Diapers & Dayparts

For me, a critical component to juggling small kids and a small business successfully was figuring out a daypart when I could focus for several hours in a row. In my case, this means that one or two days a week, I brew a pot of coffee right after the kids (and hubby) go to bed and work until the sun comes up so that I can get the solid, uninterrupted time I need to really think through design, copy, QA, etc.

Thanks to Jen Lilienstein of Kidzmet

35. How To Balance Motherhood And Mom Entrepreneur

I must say that having a to-do-list is by far one of my main secret ingredients. This little list keeps me from going insane. I have two small children, a husband, and a business. Now, both of my babies were not in diapers at the same time, but I had one in diapers, and one in pull-ups. Every night before I go to bed, I review my list of chores for that particular day, and strike through what I accomplished on that day, then I write out my to-do-list for the next day. I have my list categorized into three sections including personal, family, and business. I start my day off by praying and meditating, reading my affirmations, and taking care of my needs first.

Thanks to LaTersa Blakely of Moms Wearing Multiple Hats

36. Take A Step Back

Slow things down. You probably started your business so that you could spend more quality time with your family. Yes, you want your business to succeed and grow, but sometimes you need to take a small step back and let it grow at a slower pace. As I always tell myself, there will be enough time in the future for aggressively growing my business when my daughter is in school full-time. You only get to experience these young, tender years with your children once – take advantage of them.

Thanks to Holly Hanna of The Work At Home Woman

37. Happy Kids make for Happy Stay-at-Home Working Momma’s!

I have two boys, a 3 1/2 year-old and a 4 month old. Being a stay-at-home mompreneur is definitely not easy. You must be really organized to be successful as a mom and a business owner. I start my day with a bit of work so I can motivate myself and feel productive in my business. I then focus on the kids for a couple of hours. I try to plan activities that will tire them, so I can pretty much guarantee a couple of hours of work time in the afternoon while they nap. If your kids are happy because they feel you are giving them the right amount of attention then you will be more productive in your business.

Thanks to Ingrid Prueher of Savvy Mom on Call Baby Planner

38. SOS!

I just launched my business in January of this year. My other baby is an extremely active 17 month old boy! My biggest survival tip is to ASK FOR HELP when you need it! As moms, I think we tend to become superwomen and simply do whatever needs to be done. Sometimes it’s easier than waiting for someone else to do it. Before I launched my business and my son was very young, I did everything. But now that I have a thriving business, that just isn’t possible anymore. I was never one to ask for much, preferring to do it all on my own, but I quickly learned to overcome my personal barriers. I stopped thinking that I HAD to do everything and started asking for help. It’s been the best tactic for me to make sure I get things done and to stay balanced.

Thanks to Caryn Antonini of Early Lingo

39. Check Your Priorities With Your Checkbook

Use your checkbook as a way to check your priorities. The way we invest our financial resources says a lot about us as mompreneurs.

1. If we are writing larger checks to our nanny each week than we are to our employees, we may be investing our resources in the wrong places. Perhaps we should be allocating more of the dollars to our assistants so they are able to take on more responsibilities, so in turn we’re able to spend more time with our children personally.

2. Check the ratio of our income to our charitable donations. Are we being faithful in giving back?

God has blessed me with a successful business and gave me a beautiful daughter. I try very hard never to take these blessings lightly. I feel a responsibility to give joyfully and I use my checkbook to keep me on track.

Thanks to Robin Ernst of Thrive An Advertising Company

40. As Close As It Gets

Have your working space as close to your children’s play area as possible. Our dining room table was my desk for a long time when I just started out two years ago. We had a large play carpet in our conservatory with all sorts of toys which my boys liked to play and built with for about 10 minutes at a time (max…). Those 10 minute-sessions were all I had during the day, but got me a great head-start in the evening after they where in bed. I had everything prepared and could start creating right away. Now as they are a little bit older (5 & 3), I moved my workspace to the first floor, where they have their rooms. Most of the time though, when I have to get something done when they are around, they sit behind my chair on the floor and use my cutting machine to work on some pieces of art.

Thanks to Marie-Louise Wagner of dYouwelz

41. Lists And More Lists!

To keep ahead of the wave of work/house things… I use 3 x 5 cards and write everything down – number each card and cross off when complete (I know sounds old-fashioned), but it works! Easy too, to keep in the car! I also do a running list on ‘sticky notes’ in my computer. For me, if I don’t write it down it will NEVER get done! 🙂 My ‘babies’ are now teens so I also need a locked door. For those of you with babies in diapers, I have one word for you…. ‘playpen’ 🙂

Thanks to Sarah Baldwin of Goodnighties Recovery Sleepwear

42. Diapers And Duties!

When I first started my organizing business 8 years ago I was pregnant with my 3rd child. My goal during my pregnancy was to set up the business. After he was born and we had gotten into a routine, I made a plan using different time slots throughout the day. I would get up early before the kids to do what I needed to do so that when they awoke I could focus on them. During the day, I had a regular care lined up for the two younger ones while the older one was in school. I did a lot of my consulting during the evenings and weekends when my husband was home. I took full advantage of nap time to make phone calls, catch up on emails, etc. and worked after they were in bed. The key is to have a plan, schedule your time and do the best you can. Your days will not always run smoothly.

Thanks to Michelle Morton of Meet MichelleM.

43. How To Go From MomPreneur To SuperWoman In 4 Simple Steps

Whatever you’re doing when your husband walks through the door, he assumes you’ve been doing all day long. —

I realized when my children were toddlers that it didn’t matter what I had accomplished in the last 9 hours, If my husband walked through the door and the boys were sitting in front of a Barney video wearing nothing but a freshly changed diaper and I was on the phone with my mom for the first time in 3 days, the first thing out of his mouth was typically: “Is this what you do all day?!?!?!” So after nearly a year of explosive, defensive greetings, I learned to follow a few simple rules:

1. Always keep a vacuum cleaner close to the front door — Because if the entrance to the house is clean, then the rest of the place must be too.

2. The TV goes off at 5:30 (even if it comes back on at 6:00)

3. List a “scorecard” of daily accomplishments on the fridge — Because if I have set and achieved my goals for the day, I not only feel better as a businessperson, but I am a happier wife, and a fantastic role model for my kids!

4. And I now make it a point to be “present” for every person who walks through my door — That means off the phone, off the computer and they are greeted with a smile (we give what we get after all).

With a few simple changes, I am not only a Mompreneur– I’m Superwoman!

Thanks to Tara Kennedy-Kline of Multi-Level Mom, LLC

44. How To Be A Mompreneur And Still Manage Your Time!

As a mom, owning your own business and taking care of your family, can be rewarding and extremely challenging. Time management is very difficult, but also the key to success. Staying organized with your business will keep you more on track, not to mention save you from the stresses of doing ten things at once! The best tip I can give to moms who are running their own business is to use the tools that are available on the internet today to manage everything in one online location. New web-based software is being developed for non-traditional professionals like mompreneurs, giving them the tools to do web and video conferencing, store and share documents, manage their professional networks and collaborate with other team members or mompreneurs, all from one website.

Thanks to Kimberly Crossland of 5050BIZ

45. Celebrate Tiny Successes!

As a mom & entrepreneur all rolled up into one – a mompreneur – it is important to celebrate the little successes in the beginning!

Just like when your baby sleeps a four-hour stretch, you want to throw a block party….you should feel the same when you are first revenue positive OR you are featured in a local publication! It is always great to have your eyes on the BIG prize down the road (like college), but do not forget to soak in the tiny joys along the way.

This way when your biz hits it big and your baby goes to college, you have fond memories and experiences to look back upon. As always, do not forget to share these experiences with others….we were all newbies at one point!

Thanks to Rachel Blaufeld of Back’nGrooveMom

46. R.E.S.P.E.C.T, One Mompreneur’s Priority

My mompreneur tip is to have respect both in business and life. My grandfather instilled it in me and I instill this in my children daily, to respect their work, colleagues, teachers, family and peers, their time, other people’s time, and most importantly, yourselves.

Thanks to Golnar Khosrowshahi of GoGo News

47. Balance Tip: Develop And Stick To A Schedule That Makes Room For Family Time

Organization is key when it comes to work/life balance as a mompreneur. Decide what hours you will work and what hours you will have for yourself and your family — and stick to it! Use a time management planner with to-do lists to plan your day, prioritize your tasks, and keep you on track. For instance, I save time during the week by organizing all my kids’ lunches and family meals on Sunday. I also plan my work schedule around the kids’ school schedules so that I’m available to be their driver or just hang.

Thanks to Noelle McCarthy of Virescent

48. Simplify Your Life As A Mompreneur….Hire A Nanny!!

As a mother of 2 busy boys, I tend to simplify my life by hiring a nanny. With running 3 businesses, I find great success with my nanny being an extra set of hands. Besides childcare, she also helps with laundry, grocery shopping, homework and meal preparation. I can’t imagine my life without a nanny. When I return from work, the house is in order, the meal is in the oven, the homework is done and I can spend more time with the children.

Thanks to Candi Wingate of Nannies4hire.com

49. Strategic Time-Management For Thriving Mompreneurs

I am a mother of twins who is an attorney turned entrepreneur, relationship expert, matchmaker and radio show host. One of the strategic time-management tips I use to manage company growth is identifying core activities which serve multiple professional purposes (i.e. increase the utilization of the output).

A) Keeping up to date with my reading prepares me to:
– Provide the highest-quality of service to our dating coaching and matchmaking clients
– Interview our radio show guests
– Address questions and answers during in-person panels/presentations, teleconferences, and our Q&A columns in publications throughout the country.

B) With the content produced above, mechanisms can be distributed via a number of additional outlets (increasing the number of people I can serve :-)).

Thanks to Jasbina Ahluwalia of Intersections Match

50. Remember To Rest

As a mompreneur who is the sole breadwinner for my family of four, I have had to consciously remember to rest. I have also had to give myself permission to rest. Evenings after my kids are in bed are not made solely for a few more hours of work. Early mornings before anyone is awake do not have to be used for creating business strategy. A day off is healthy and needed to avoid burn out.

To maintain balance I have established some ground rules for myself including no working after dinner, spend an hour in the morning doing personal reading and prep for the day, and at least one full day off each week.

Thanks to Carrie Rocha of Pocket Your Dollars.com

51. Establish A Kid Siesta

I insist that every day my 3-year-old and even my 9 and 5-year-old (on school vacation days) take a nap, rest, read, or play a quiet activity from about 1PM- 3PM. I feel if adults take a siesta in Spain and parts of Europe, so can they! I schedule conference calls, chats, return emails or finish projects during this time, in addition to the rest of my work that I do in the evenings when they are asleep. My kids know I love them, but they also know I love my work too. My kids have come to understand that they will always get the attention they need from me before and after “siesta”, but to get their time they have to give me mine.

Thanks to Sara Lise Raff of Arts Ed Consultant

52. Squeeze More Hours From The Day

What did I do with my time before having children and starting a business? Now, I say that I SQUEEZE hours out of my day. Because I use a smart phone, I can schedule appointments, deal with employee issues and otherwise manage the business in between dropping the wee ones off for preschool, running to story time at the library and switching a load of cloth diapers in the wash. I use block scheduling and goal setting to plan my day so I have enough time manage playtime with the kids; home care; and running my business. After the kids go to bed, I work another 2 hours on items that do not have to happen during regular business hours. Sleep, good nutrition and exercise are of utmost importance when trying to juggle so many responsibilities, so sometimes things just have to wait until tomorrow.

Thanks to Nettie Owens of Sappari Solutions Professional Organizing

53. Kill Your Inner Amazon NOW!

Get help — Stop trying to do it all! Use my HBDO formula to help you figure out how to get things done or how to just stop doing them altogether. HBDO means HIRE, BARTER, DELEGATE, or OMIT. For each task you have to do as a mom and a business woman, ask which approach you should use out of HBDO formula. Should you hire it out, barter for help, delegate it, or omit it altogether? My favorite is OMIT, since much of what we do is really not necessary. (For example, who cares if your kitchen floor is spotless and who says you need to keep up with ALL your customers, even the ones who drive you crazy??) Practice the 80/20 rule and figure out what you need to do to get 80% of your results — Then nix the rest!

Thanks to Dr. Barnsley Brown of Spirited Solutions

54. Wear One Hat At A Time!

My kids are only 3, 5 and 7, but they can tell when they do not have my full attention. In any given moment I need to choose: be a mom or be an entrepreneur. If I try to do both simultaneously, then I fail to do either very well.

Thanks to Toni Jewell of Lovely Dorothy Company

55. First-born Gets The Shaft!

When I started my business, overnight I went from a free wheeling single woman to “mom” working 24/7, 360 days a year, attending to the competing needs of guests and employees. Then came my second born — in the form a human boy. There was no way to quickly dismiss his needs to attend to those of my first-born. Even with the help of my business partner/husband/father-of-my-children something had to give. That’s when I decided to shaft my first-born by distancing myself from the hotel and delegating day-to-day responsibilities to our newly crowned General Manager. Two more sons later, this proved to be the most astute business decision yet. My hotel is thriving, my marriage is passionate, and all my children – the hotel and 3 sons – are happy.

Thanks to Dana Krauskopf of Hamanasi

56. Stay Organized And Plan Ahead

If you’re organized, you can turn 10 minutes of down-time into a small, productive gold mine. If you are not organized, those 10 minutes of down time can easily slip into scrambling around, answering a few emails and/or focusing on needless items. I create a list of items that are outstanding. When I have a free moment, I quickly refer to the list and evaluate which I can do quickly and take action on those items. I usually write my list at the end of the day so that I’m prepared the next morning. This enables me to get some shut-eye because I have peace of mind and when I wake up, and the kids are still asleep, I know just what I need to do.

Thanks to Deborah Sweeney of MyCorporation

57. Don’t Work Overtime

I started working from home when my firstborn was first-born. At first I’d work about an hour a day. Because I was so tired, that hour was the longest day I could manage. As my babies got more manageable, I’d work for two hours during their naps and an hour or so in the evening. I made decent money putting in a 2-3 hour day, so I decided to sleep and relax a little less and try to work 4 to 6 hours a day.

Working four hours a day did not make me twice as much money as a two-hour day. Moms are VERY good sitting down and working hard in short bursts. Figure out how much you’re earning an hour, find out how much you NEED and don’t put in more hours than what is profitable and what works for your family. My rule was (and still is) that if my kids think I have a job, I’m doing it wrong.

Thanks to Jessica Gottlieb of JG Media

58. Self-employed Moms Need An Alice

As a mom who has been self-employed for over seven years, my tip would be to teach the kids that mom’s work is ‘work’. My office is off-limits to the children and the children were taught that if they came to the door and I was on the phone to wait quietly until my call was finished. Although my work day always exceeds 5 hours a day, I have a childcare provider available to the kids for five of my scheduled hours. She is more of an Alice then a Mary Poppins though, helping with laundry, light housekeeping, and dinner prep.

Thanks to Karrine McFarlane of Her-Media

59. I Do What I Can

As a mompreneur with a toddler, I have learned not to set unrealistic goals. Completing one task a day is better than not getting anything done.

Thanks to Lorneth Fahie-Peters of Number Seven Management

Thanks so much again to all our wonderful mompreneurs (and dadpreneur) for sharing your best business survival tips! We hope to hear from you again.

If you are new to the Question of the Week and would like to get involved, simply follow the link below to get started. We’d love to have you share your knowledge and experiences here too, and get a bit of PR in the process.

This week’s question is –

Turning Biz Lemons Into Lemonade

Life is never perfect, and no matter how hard you work, you are bound to experience some bad days at the office.  Do you allow your entire day to turn sour, or do you find a way to pull yourself out of a slump?  The choice is always yours, and often boils down to your perception and attitude.

So when things are going every which way but right, what is your best strategy for turning a lemon of a bad day into refreshing lemonade, and ending your day on a high note?

Why should I join the discussion?

Because this online forum is a great place for us to exchange ideas, learn from each other and network. My goal is to unite successful women entrepreneurs to share our insights and solutions to the challenges we most commonly face in our businesses.

How do I get involved?

Every Monday I will post a new Question of the Week. This is a great opportunity for you to bring your expertise to the table. Using the link below, please submit a one paragraph response before the deadline, and the following week I will share our community responses on my blog.


I look forward to your response to this week’s question! If you have any questions you know where to find me. Have a great week!

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  • Make more MONEY by actually working less?
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  1. Posted November 15, 2011 at 9:04 am | Permalink | Reply

    I have two young children 5 and 2 and during school holidays working means late evenings after they have gone to bed, as working during the day is impossible, but i’ll try your tips and see how it goes.



    • Posted November 15, 2011 at 11:55 am | Permalink | Reply

      Thanks for your comment, Sil. It can be really difficult to juggle parenthood and entrepreneurship, but I hope you will find a solution or two that work for you from all the amazing tips presented by moms who are making it work. 🙂

6 Trackbacks

  1. […] To read this article in full, please visit Strategies and Tactics for Women by Dr. Shannon Reece original article 59 Mompreneurs’ Best Business Survival Tips. […]

  2. […] the peace at the office and at home is to follow some simple guidelines designed to facilitate work-life balance. Because as the saying goes, all work and no play (or peace at home)…well, you know the […]

  3. […] the peace at the office and at home is to follow some simple guidelines designed to facilitate work-life balance. Because as the saying goes, all work and no play (or peace at home)…well, you know the […]

  4. […] To read this article in full, please visit Strategies and Tactics for Women by Dr. Shannon Reece original article 59 Mompreneurs’ Best Business Survival Tips. […]

  5. By Weekly Round Up – July 17th, 2011 on July 18, 2011 at 1:08 am

    […] – 59 Momprenuers’ Best Business Survival Tips (Strategy and Tactics for Women) Whether still in the midst of the challenge, or several years beyond, these amazing entrepreneurs found ways to make it work. There is some consensus, but there are also some extremely innovative ideas you will find truly inspiring. […]

  6. […] more here: 59 Mompreneurs' Best Business Survival Tips « Strategies and … Categories: Books, Uncategorized Tags: books, kids, kitchen, send-out, small-business, […]

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