37 Best Kept Secrets for Closing a Sale

There is an art to building relationships based on trust with potential clients, and motivating them to engage their time, money, and energy in the solution that you are offering, over the competition. This is a challenge for any new entrepreneur, who is working hard to gain traction in a niche.  So last week we asked –

What is your single best kept secret to closing a sale and what has made it so successful for your business?

The biggest common denominator is learning how to listen, as well as ask the right questions to find out what your ideal prospect is seeking.  But there is so much more, as is evidenced by the amazing tips we received this week. In reading through all 37, you will find a culmination of strategies to really develop a solid relationship with your prospect and get to the heart of how you can make things better for them.

 Our sincere gratitude to the 37 entrepreneurs who were kind enough to post their stories. Openly sharing your expertise and experiences is a huge asset to this blog and the readership. I wish you all a wonderful week and hope to see you here again.

If you would like to contribute to this week’s question, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this post to find out how you can get involved.  We’d love to have you on a future post!


1. Win Them Over By Being Yourself

This may seem so obvious, but I’ve closed more sales by meeting with my potential clients and demonstrating my expertise and passion for what I do. I know that once I’m in front of them they will see what I can offer them.

Make time to pick up the phone, have a video Skype call or meet with the clients you really want to work with. Even a video message to customers is a great way to really connect with them. Often from there you have much more chance of making sales and referrals.

Let your personality and strengths shine through. Be yourself. Attract the people you really want to work with.

Thanks to Natalie Sisson of The Suitcase Entrepreneur

2. Building Relationships With Customers

Do you want to see how you can remove any uncertainly in a sale? Why not provide a proof of concept. They often times move a sale along.

Thanks to Jacqueline Gikow of ChelseaRainbow

3. Closing The Sale

One of my best strategies for closing a sale is I offer incentives. I offer a 10% discount if I receive their signed contract and non-refundable deposit within three days. This always ends in a sale for my serious clients (at least 95% of the time).

Thanks to Mattie Stevenson of Above & Beyond Marketing And Event Management, LLC

4. What Do I Need To Close This Deal With You Now!

I have always found that when dealing with a difficult person, or getting a hard time in trying to close the sale/deal, to ask them one very simple question: Please tell me what it is exactly that you are looking for, from me, in order to wrap this matter up? (Direct, Simple & Very Honest!)

The secret is to always extract from the other person, what it is THEY are looking for, so that YOU can work both with it & around it, to get out of the situation, whatever it is YOU are looking for, but to do it very subtly.

By seeing how easy it is to work with you, no fighting, hassling, etc, they will want to come back again to do more business with you.

Thanks to Harris Glasser of Serving The People Press LLC

5. Be Quiet and Really Listen

A major turning point in my business was when I found I was listening to the client as much as I was speaking. All successful business owners know, providing the right solution for the client is the key to the sale. You cannot provide your best solution unless you truly understand their need. And you cannot truly understand their need if you are the only one doing the talking. Ask key questions that will guide you to the appropriate solution and then stop talking. Listen carefully and take notes so that you can state back to the potential client or customer what you believe you heard them say is the main problem you can help them solve. Once in agreement, provide two solutions to the problem and ask which one they feel would be best for them. This helps assure you are on “the same page”.

Thanks to Nancy Butler of Above All Else, Success In Life And Business

6. Whiffing The Dream

Listen deeply and feel their language-ing. Speak back to them in their ways of perceiving and give them a “whiff” of the dream they are longing for. In other words, speak in the ways they understand and help them get an appetizer/taste of what it would be like to actually live their vision of their “best life”.

Thanks to Maureen Daniek of Radiance Coaching And Consulting

7. Be Available!

My clients know that they can find me 24/7 as I am available to them always. When doing business with others I often asked for a home phone number so that I can reach my vendor when needed in an emergency. I believe that in order for the business relationship to be equal there must be equal access. When a client purchases my services they buy the opportunity to have me as a partner and that means access. People know you are serious about providing value when their emails, calls or texts are returned immediately. My secret to closing the sale is assuring my client that I will always be available to them and then doing it!

Thanks to Vicki Donlan of VickiDonlan

8. The Single Best Kept Secret To Closing A Sale Is….

Ask for it! So many entrepreneurs and business owners don’t do the obvious and ask for the sale. Asking for the sale puts you at the top of the pile, because you will be one of the few doing it. Always have a call to action and asking for the sale is your call to action. Be sure to evaluate the customer’s credit risk to not oversell or you will be in trouble, but go into the meeting knowing how much you will try to sell, what you will try to sell and how you will sell it – then ask for the sale!

Thanks to Michelle Dunn of Michelle Dunn Writer, LLC

9. From Shame To Claim

I was shamed by an executive in a Fortune 100 company to ask for more business. He actually chided me, following a training program he attended, for not using the “end-opportunity” as a “start-another opportunity,” especially since the program had been well-received. Since then, I have learned to claim the “conclusion” moment as my own. Now, I never exit a successful delivery without asking for future business in one way or another.

Thanks to Dr. Marlene Caroselli of Center For Professional Development

10. Give 150%

Single Best Kept Secret to Closing a Sale–>Being informative, honest and upfront about everything. I also provide a step-by-step guide or process of how we will arrive to the end results. Being relatable and having an authentic approach is essential to attracting your target market. And once they are attracted you must deliver what it is you are promoting and/or selling. I go above and beyond to exceed their expectations and I always give 150%.

Thanks to Tawana Necole of Corporate Chics, LLC

11. Be True To You

My best successes come when I am true to my values and passions. As I speak with a potential client, if I allow my passion for what I do come through with quiet confidence and joy, I find that my enthusiasm becomes contagious. Living what I do as a healer greatly helps my clients realize that they, too, can be happy and live a joyful, healthy life. It is my intent to be a living example of the services I offer. This is my best method for closing the sale.

Thanks to Jennifer Bowers of Rose Bridge Creations

12. Hey, It’s About YOU, Not Me!

Over and over and over in the real estate business, I see agents spending thousands of dollars on advertising, social media, and websites, touting THEIR qualifications. Let’s take their websites: The first page tells about the number and types of designations; years in the business; years in other businesses; schools attended; and, in general, how much the sellers/buyers will enjoy working with them.

I’ve taken the axiom ‘give the client what he wants’ to heart. They want market information. They want to know what to do to ready their homes for sale; what to look for when buying a home. Once they have seen that I deliver the information and service they are looking for, then and only then do they care about me and my qualifications. By then, signing them up is usually a formality.

Thanks to Randy Morrow of Keller Williams Realty–Divorce Specialist

13. Follow The Yellow Brick Road

I have been saying this for years — whether teaching it in a class or sharing this one on one. If you want to gain trust, build relationships and motivate people to hire you then you need to follow-up. Send a note, drop an email, leave a phone message. People want to know you care. About them! So follow-up often. Don’t get discouraged. It can take 2 weeks, 6 months, even a year to establish a relationship. Keep the dialogue going!

Thanks to Leslie Josel of Order Out Of Chaos

14. Meet A Need

To close a sale, regardless of your business, you generally need to meet a need or fill a void in your client’s life. As an author of a self-help marriage book, at book signing events I ask people to describe their marriage and the challenges they face. They will typically mention several problematic areas, such as poor communication, struggles with money, etc. From their answer I can discuss a particular topic in our book which directly addresses that need. Rather than trying to pitch the benefits of the entire book, I can drill down to what specifically targets THEIR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS and provide some encouragement.

Whether you are selling appliances, books, financial products, or apparel, identify what “need” your customer has and explain how your product meets that need. Ring it up!!!

Thanks to Jason Coleman of Discovering Your Amazing Marriage

15. The Worst They Can Say Is No

I am not a sales person. I have never been a fan of sales. But it is necessary in building a business. I try to do most of my sales through networking opportunities. Business to business events are perfect for business promotion because everyone is open to it. But no matter where I am, I just talk to people. I tell them what I do and I listen to what they say they need and then listen for the problem they are not easily identifying, like being overwhelmed or not understanding their technology. I offer them an easy solution to a single problem that they can implement and then a more robust solution to their bigger (and often unspoken) problem. Ultimately though the key is to ask. Ask for their business. The worst anyone will ever tell you is no.

Thanks to Lauren MacEwen of SM Cubed Consulting

16. A Personal Touch

A potential customer will be pleased to hear from the owner or CEO of the company personally by phone. If one of my customer service agents senses trepidation in a customer’s voice or in the body of their emails, those leads are referred to me personally. I pick up the phone and leave either a sincere message to contact me directly or try to speak with them myself. I rarely hang up without the sale. Our customers are always impressed by the ease they have in reaching someone personally either by phone or email, and I think this goes a long way towards establishing trust. If, after all, there is a problem with the order at some point, a customer wants to know that someone knowledgeable will be instantly available to solve the issue.

Thanks to Brina Bujkovsky of Personalized Gifts

17. The Art Of Listening

When the word ‘sales’comes up, an especially loquacious connotation comes to mind. If a person is known to be a ‘talker’ somewhere down the course of his life, someone is likely to tell him he ought to try sales out. On the contrary, I’d say our single best kept secret to closing a sale is listening. Trying to uncover what a customer is looking for and communicating clearly how we can solve the problem is invaluable in sales. When the customer understands you can solve the problem, he wants to choose your company because you will make his life easier.

Thanks to Deborah Sweeney of MyCorporation

18. Make It A No-brainer

You will close more sales if you can take your client’s mind off of the next step. Walk them through the process and provide the next step for them. When they have to think about what to do next, they will begin considering other uses for their money.

As you are coming to the end of the meeting summarize for the prospect what has been discussed and agreed to. Then take out your calendar, asking the prospect to do the same, and write in what the next steps are. Never leave without both parties knowing what the next steps are.

If you can guide them through and make the process a literal “no-brainer,” your sales conversions will go through the roof. Try it out in your next meeting and see what the power of thinking for your clients will do for your business.

Thanks to Rochelle Togo-Figa of Break Through Strategist

19. Patience Is A Sales Virtue

With anything related to sales, you must acquire a certain level of patience. Be it telephone leads or general queries about your business that might lead to sales, you need to spend as much time as needed to answer any questions or concerns. Even when potential customers get loud or unruly, you need to keep calm and assess the best way to handle each situation with care. People appreciate patience — it is something that is slowly evaporating from businesses these days. Take the time to answer any questions with a positive attitude. Many people have the same questions, so you need to keep answers readily available in your verbal arsenal. In our business, we can spend 60 seconds with a customer to complete an easy sale or 60 minutes to answer every single concern in the book.

Thanks to Ian Aronovich of GovernmentAuctions.org

20. Let Your Clients Do The Talking

Testimonies are a great way to close a sale. When potential clients are on the fence, send them a testimony on how your past clients loved what you did for them. Send them a case study of how you helped a client reach their bottom line.

Thanks to Eula M. Young, COO of Griot’s Roll Film Production & Services Inc.

21. People Buy When They Get More Than They Pay For

My friend gave me a great tip for closing sales when I started my business. He told me “You have to get the client to quantify the value of the service you are providing and show that the value they are getting is a steal for the price they will be paying.” I now always include a section in my pitches where we discuss what the opportunity presents in profit to the customer. I let the customer tell me what this value is. They always come up with a number that is much larger than what I am going to charge, so it is easy for them to see the value. The key to getting them to say a big number is laying the ground work, discussing the problem your product or service solves, and all the impacts this problem has on them, before quantifying the value.

Thanks to Chris Keller of Profitworks Small Business Services Inc.

22. A Golden Nugget For Closing The Sale

Closing the sale begins long before the actual prospect meeting. I use a touch system to begin developing relationships with our potential customers long before the average prospect meets with me. Touching or reaching your target through email communications, social media, telephone contact, newsletters and personal networking are some of the methods we use on a regular basis. But, if in addition to this “pre-sale” routine there was a golden nugget for closing the sale, it would be … asking great questions! If you ask great questions that are designed to uncover the true wants and needs of your prospect, the potential customer will do the selling for you! Showing up and throwing up just plain doesn’t work, learn as much as you can as early as you can about your prospect.

Thanks to Doug Savidge of ActionCOACH Business Coaching

23. Building “YES” Momentum!

Building “YES’ momentum is key when closing any deal. It’s something I tell my team they must do daily. Off the bat, any potential investment by the client is highly scrutinized and too expensive. Value must be built during the sales process or they are likely to say “no”. When selling a particular product or service always ask questions that are simple for the other person to say “YES”. From the very first meeting and during the closing process, simply repeating words of the client & making sure you hit their objectives is key!
Ex:”Let me just confirm, you said you wanted to reach adults 35+ nationally,” and the client then says “YES” or “Does this make sense?” If it does, the client will say “YES”. A “No” = Objection and must be overcome! Explain, ask again and the answer should be “YES!”

Thanks to Lou Carpino of WABC RADIO SYNDICATION & EVENTS / IMUS IN THE MORNING & CabCorner.com

24. Irresistible USP’s Make The Prospect Predisposed To Say Yes

Focus your marketing on what makes you different and better, and then all you have to do is close the willing prospect who contacts you. For instance, in the years before we evolved into writing marketing copy for business, local resume clients were the bulk of our work. Most found us in the Yellow Pages, where they saw “Affordable Professional Resumes While You Wait.” They already WANTED to work with us. And if they were price-shopping, I’d say, “as you shop around, there’s one more question you should ask: What are your qualifications? And here are ours…” A lot of the price shoppers closed on the spot, and quite a few of the rest called back an hour or a day later and booked their appointment. I discuss USP’s in several of my six marketing books.

Thanks to Shel Horowitz of Green And Profitable

25. Bust The Wall Of Sales Resistance

Use an intent statement to introduce an agenda, “Bob & Sue, let me take a moment to explain how we will proceed today. First, I’ll tell you about our firm, so you’ll be confident in considering our products. Then, to tailor my presentation to meet your needs & to be as brief as possible, I’ll ask a few questions. Is that okay with you? Next, I’ll show you the product that will best suit your needs. After that I’ll cover the details about the money. I represent my company & our products knowing they’re enjoyed by many happy clients. However, I’m not a high-pressure salesperson. I don’t believe in it. Our product isn’t right for everyone. It may or may not be the answer you’re seeking. I just hope you’ll keep an open mind & will feel comfortable telling me if our product is right for you.”

Thanks to Tom Hopkins of Tom Hopkins International, Inc.

26. Forget The Sale, Focus On The Relationship

Forget all the tactics and strategies that might help you close a sale. Focus instead on bringing value to a customer first and work overtime to develop a relationship. I’m referring to a relationship built on genuine rapport with the prospective client. This relationship is built on your true interest in them, your focus on helping them solve their challenges, your integrity as a reliable source of information and your willingness to be available to them even at midnight if the need arises. Your prospect should easily recognize that you are trustworthy, fun to work with and that you will stand behind the sale beyond their expectations. It’s not the sale, it’s what you do before, during and after the sale. Do this and gain loyalty. Don’t do it any you’ll always fight your competitors!

Thanks to Tony Marder of ActionCOACH

27. NBC: Never Be Closing

Anyone who tries to “close” has already lost control. Focus on three things:

1. What pain are they experiencing? Drill down until they squirm — because nobody buys intellectually, they buy emotionally. Be gentle, yet skeptical — “So what? Lots of people have that. What makes that something worth fixing?”
2. Budget — have the guts to ask how much they are losing by not fixing this, how much they are willing to spend, and what their level of commitment is. Even a price range is good. Then, ask, “So, where is the money going to come from?”
3. Decision — ask how they make decisions in this same price range. Talk to the spouse? Get the boss signature?
Once you have pain, budget and decision, you just ask, “What do you want to do next?” They close themselves.

Thanks to Thomas Cox of Cox Business Consulting, Inc.

28. Rapport: The Key To Closing A Sale

Here are five steps to build rapport instantly:

1. Match and mirror the physiology, tone of voice, representational systems, breathing and key words of the person with whom you are communicating.
2. Ask questions directly related to the client’s business to help discover their motivation, decision and reassurance strategies.
3. Find a need and propose a solution to the client’s problem. Then ask “do you see any value in this?”
4. Link the need or value to your product/service. Make a clear proposal for how your product or service helps solve the problem you uncovered.
5. Close. There are many ways to close, but really only four objections. If you hear: “I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough money, it won’t work for me, I don’t believe you,” then it’s time to build more rapport.

Thanks to Dr. Matthew B. James, MA, Ph.D of The Empowerment Partnership

29. P2C = Prospect To CUSTOMER Tip………..

There are many strategies to closing sales. The basics will always get you the furthest: relationship building paired with a quality offering at an equitable price.

Our Most Effective Closing Tip: Providing the quotation with the actual contract/agreement.

The advantage? Together, a quote and contract assume and advance the sale. This keeps the sales rep in control (terms & conditions & price), while allowing for negotiation when necessary. A signature on the contract (all in one sweep) closes the deal, thus successfully converting your “propsect” to “client” status (P2C).

(Any quotations over $5k – deliver in person!!)

The P2C equation comes down to exercising the sheer basics, yet it is nice benefit to have some helpful hints along the way.

Thanks to Jennifer Schaus of Jennifer Schaus & Associates

30. Closing The Sale Made Easy

Mark Twain said that “great people make you too feel you can become great.” If you make your potential customer feel they can become great, or at least very good, and that you can help them get there, closing the sale couldn’t be easier.

Thanks to Barry Maher of Barry Maher & Associates

31. Best Kept Secret To Closing A Sale

When going to close a sale we do the call to action and stop talking. Silence causes a discomfort and 100% of the times the prospect will break that silence which gives us control over the negotiation. We also never mention the amount to be invested, we always show on a screen. We have a process to conduct the sale, almost a choreography, and with these tiny processes we have an extremely good closing rate.

Thanks to Shahar Boyayan of Buzzbooster Marketing Advisors

32. Mr. Clean

I have learned throughout the years to scrub leads effectively; thus saving and successfully engaging potential clients’ time where needed, plus ensuring that my time and efforts too, are well spent. With this well-honed strategy, I can claim close to a 100% close rate.

Thanks to Jennifer Chiongbian of Rutenberg Realty

33. Don’t “Sell” Or “Close”… Let People “BUY” Instead

Although all of us love to buy things, none of us likes to be “sold.”

Being sold something is unpleasant and makes us feel used. Buying things is pleasurable, and for some people even therapeutic.

So what’s the difference? Buying is having choices, control and not feeling forced.

So after determining a client’s needs, rather than offering only one solution, and using closing pressure tactics to push for a purchase (Forcing your client to decide whether to buy that one solution or not makes them feel pressured, and like they’re being “sold”), instead, offer two or three slightly different solutions that will meet their need, and let the client decide which one to “BUY”

They’re now deciding which one to buy, not whether or not to purchase a single option.

Letting people “BUY” works.

Thanks to Mike Carpenter of CarpenterAssociates

34. Acknowledge Acknowledge Acknowledge

It’s about them, not you. Compliments are opinions usually about what you think and begin with I. Who cares about what you think?

What do you say to them? State the obvious action/reaction in the moment. You smiled when you said his name! Your breathing went deeper into your body when you told that story. It keeps the transaction alive and in the moment and it is that moment that attraction & curiosity inclines one to sign on the dotted line. I acknowledge you for reading this blog post that I have written. That’s two acknowledgements one for you and one for me.

People want to buy from trusting, likeable, even lovable people and acknowledgement is a communication gem that warms your client’s heart and desire to be with you!

Thanks to Beverly Dombroski of BeverlyD Alive Healthy Hair

35. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For The Business

By the time it comes to closing the sale, you should have had at least 4-5 “contacts” with the potential client – perhaps they’ve downloaded your ebook, received an email or two from you, exchanged Tweets, Facebook or Blog Comments and you may have spoken to them by phone or face to face. If so, your potential client has already started to move through the Know, Like, Trust buying stages. The next step is to “Try/Buy”. That usually requires that you make an offer. If you’ve done a good job at the early steps then asking for the business is easy because you know your new client is ready. Don’t be afraid. Just ask. They might say yes 😉 As my mother always told me, “if you don’t ask, you don’t get.” If they say no, then just go back a step or two and then try again later.

Thanks to Suellen Hughes of Transforme


Yes, there is an art to building trusting relationships with potential clients. The prospect’s trust in you and your offering , and his/her motivation to move forward with you instead of your competition will be solidified when you —

Commit once, passionately and convincingly, to exceed the prospect’s needs with your product. (This show of professionalism requires understanding your solution and their need intimately.)

Then, when your prospect is ready to sign…

Commit again, unwaveringly to your fees/terms of service. (This “value for service” stance demonstrates confidence and integrity.)

Thanks to Edward Anderson of SalesEdge Corporation

37. Objections, A Vital Part Of Closing A Sale

Clients bring with them reasons to do business with you and several more reasons not to. Those who are highly influential in the field will address both so that by the end of the interaction the client will convince her or himself to do business with you. The key here is to address objections in the beginning of the interaction. When speaking with the client, highlight the most common objections and why those are not actually problems. Watch the client’s body language during this process. They may change their posture, facial expression, or breathing. These are good indicators that you have hit on something they are feeling. Of course, it is not possible to guess everyone’s objections so throughout the sales process constantly check in with the client and get a sense of what they are thinking. They will very often tell you upfront what their sticking points are, which makes your life much easier. When it comes time to close the deal, ask the client if they have any concerns and watch their body language. If they appear more closed off, they probably have not followed you through the whole process. This is not a problem — go back and illicit whatever their objections are and move the client beyond them. This will make closing the sale much easier, and because you have built a good rapport with them you have increased the likelihood of them returning to you in the future.

Thanks to Jessica Marion of Core Communication Training

Thanks so much again to all our wonderful contributors for your valuable tips for closing a sale this week!  We hope to hear from you again.

If you are new to the Question of the Week and would like to get involved, simply follow the link below to get started.  We’d love to have you share your knowledge and experiences here too, and get a bit of PR in the process.

This week’s question is –

Best Free Business eBooks for Entrepreneurs
There are a ton of business books that you can purchase to learn how to do business better, but this week we are looking for best recommendations of a FREE resources.

What is the single best FREE ebook you received from an expert, that dramatically improved the way you do business, and what made it so transformational? (Please submit works by authors other than yourself, and include author, ebook title and link to the ebook.)

Why should I join the discussion?

Because this online forum is a great place for us to exchange ideas, learn from each other and network. My goal is to unite successful women entrepreneurs to share our insights and solutions to the challenges we most commonly face in our businesses.

How do I get involved?

Every Monday I will post a new Question of the Week. This is a great opportunity for you to bring your expertise to the table. Using the link below, please submit a one paragraph response before the deadline, and the following week I will share our community responses on my blog.


I look forward to your response to this week’s question! If you have any questions you know where to find me. Have a great week!


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