34 Business Dreams – For Better or For Worse

It’s fun to dream big when you are starting a business.  For some, their business fulfills the dream beautifully, for others it doesn’t even come close.  Either way, entrepreneurs are a persistent breed, who never like to say die, because they take the risk for better or for worse.  So last week we asked –

Whether your original business dreams never panned out, or are far better than you even imagined, how have your entrepreneurial experiences made you into a better person personally and professionally?

The responses we received may not be what you expected…

For some, the dream changed or did not turn out as planned.  For others, the dream has been better than expected. But you will discover in each story below, that despite the outcome or development of the original dream, the lives of these business owners have been richly blessed and forever changed through the entrepreneurial experience. As challenging as it is to be an entrepreneur, I think all would agree that it has been, and will continue to be, worth it.

Our sincere gratitude to the 34 entrepreneurs who were kind enough to share how their business dreams have unfolded. Openly providing your expertise and experiences is a huge asset to this blog and the readership. I wish you all a wonderful week and hope to see you here again.

If you would like to contribute to the next post and get some free PR, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this post to discover this week’s question and find out how you can get involved.  We’d love to have you on a future post!


1. Being An Entrepreneur Has Made Me A Better Person Both Personally And Professionally.

Being an entrepreneur turned out far better than I could have imagined. I went from $2,000 to my name and no job to a business that brought in over one million dollars per year. It has caused me to be more organized and focused. To manage a household as a single parent, grow a profitable business and have a personal life at the same time, taught me the art of multitasking. I have been able to help many wonderful people have a better life while providing financially for my family. Having been in business for 30 years, I have seen clients’ dreams and goals come true because of our work together. They have built the home of their dreams, put their children through college, retired as planned and much more. It’s great to see others be successful and for my children to see how great it is to help others. This makes my life’s work extremely rewarding.

Thanks to Nancy Butler, CFP®, CDFA, CLTC of Above All Else, Success In Life And Business

2. Looking A Gift Horse In The Mouth

We started out with this amazing idea, right? Create children’s educational apps because all the stuff 3 years ago was junk/games and I felt the same way about my kids asking for my iPhone as I did those Nintendo DS things — NO. So what a new concept, yea to 1000+ other people too! Well, we have the developers, the designers and the stage set but now that part is only just that “part” of our dream, the other 75% are other people’s dreams! What? Yes, we develop apps for other people and their companies and I swear it has become the most satisfying part of my job….who would have guessed!

Kind of like Christmas I guess, yes, it’s fun getting gifts but not half as great as watching other people open a gift perfect for THEM! Finding your own silver lining..the key to work life happiness

Thanks to Jill Mikols Etesse of Jacketsandjill

3. I’m Living My Values — Not Someone Else’s

Prior to starting my business, I worked for a large consulting firm. When they went public, their value system changed & no longer matched mine. I was asked to do things that bordered my ethical line. That is not how I wanted to live. By founding my own firm, I have been able to set an ethical standard for how I treat clients, partners and staff.

I believe you can grow a successful business and still value people first. Part of my goal when founding CS was to have the ability for each member to actively positively impact their community. We have been able to do that in big ways.

That bigger picture focus has also benefited my children, as they have also become contributing members to good causes. That has been priceless to observe.

Thanks to Stephanie LH Calahan of Calahan Solutions, Inc.

4. Building A Business = A Circus Show

I have been working hard to realize my dream of turning my photography blog into a successful business. I’ve learned to balance this dream with a FT job, a home life, and a social life. It wasn’t easy, but the balance did come; at a fantastic price. I’ve learned to remove non-essential things and people from my life and surround myself with a supporting side-show that cheers me on while I do an awe-inspiring juggling act. These people have happily shared their knowledge with me and I’ve had a blast paying it forward. My boyfriend started a business this year too and his success has offered even more inspiration. With all these great people around me, I can’t stop now. The show must go on!

Thanks to Kimberly Gauthier of Kimberly Gauthier Photography

5. Humbled Resilient Firewalker

Years ago during one of my many life transitions I did some “firewalking”. Walking on hot coals requires trust in yourself, faith in what your mind cannot understand, and risk-taking in terms of pushing your limits.

It helped prepare me for several entrepreneurial adventures. These adventures have humbled me, made me more courageous, pushed me to put myself “out there”, broadened by skill set, made me more self-reflective and hopefully made me wiser. My “world” is a much larger “world” than it ever was before, and I would say I am a more compassionate and appreciative woman.

Thanks to Maureen Daniek of Radiance Coaching And Consulting

6. To Work Inside A Box Or Outside? That Is The Question

My entrepreneurial experiences have made me into a better person personally and professionally because working for yourself is a totally different ball game. Not only did being an entrepreneur help me to work harder and more efficiently, it helps me to show my children by example that anything is possible. Having worked for myself, I have learned everything about running and starting a business, marketing and how to have patience with others. Working for someone else limits your creativity, and what you can achieve. Working for yourself, you can continue to grow and achieve much more. I work much more but it is much more fulfilling. I like living and working outside the box and doing what I want, how I want and when I want.

Thanks to Michelle Dunn of Michelle Dunn Writer, LLC

7. My Only Fear Was Fear Itself

From the moment I launched my newspaper, I realized in order to succeed I needed to be fearless in reaching out to the most powerful, most senior, most well-known professionals in the region. I began that process by telling myself, as I had learned from my father, that I had something to say, something to teach and something to share with others. They were not better than me just because they made more money and had more power. My experience is that those at the top are smart enough to want to be constantly learning about what is going on around them. If someone has something new in business they want to be in on it at the ground floor. It is all about attitude. My attitude was and is that I can do anything I put my mind to. I did that and was successful in building and selling my business.

Thanks to Vicki Donlan of VickiDonlan

8. A More Confident Person

I started my company because I wanted to control my own destiny, and I saw a hole in the market I thought I could fill. And I now do both. But what I didn’t expect was to feel such a sense of pride and excitement every day I go to work. I feel respected for what I do and know, my clients appreciate what I bring to the table, and most of all, I really love what I am doing and building. It’s happened much quicker than I expected it too. I never would have thought two years ago that I’d be where I am today. We have a long way to go, but it’s incredibly rewarding to start and build something that works.

Thanks to Bonnie Buol Ruszczyk of BBR Marketing

9. Enter, Entrepreneurial Quality

It was the Total Quality Management founder, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, who observed “the greatest losses are unknown and unknowable.” Entrepreneurship preventing me from having those great losses. How? By forcing me to learn what I was capable of doing. For example, I knew nothing about the topic until client-requests for TQM training forced me to start learning…fast. Not only was I awarded several multi-year contracts as a result of that learning, I went on to write several books on the topic. This is but one example of mind-maximizing that entrepreneurship effected in my professional life.

Thanks to Dr. Marlene Caroselli of Center For Professional Development

10. Spiraling Up

As a self-employed Artist with a “No Boundaries” spirit, I see how working toward my dreams has made me a better person all around. I have been able to raise our family and guide our children toward their own aspirations and really appreciate time spent everywhere. We never waste our time having a bad time. My business has ebbs and flows like everything else, but I keep moving forward because I love what I do. Nothing really deters me from being creative in my work or in the process of seeking new work. I just forge ahead!

Thanks to Michele Palenik of Purple Cloud Studio

11. I Demand More

I was always motivated and ambitious. But I have never worked harder than when I started working for myself. I had a new level of accountability, new drive, new need to succeed. It was proving to myself that I had what it took to be my own boss. If I failed anyone, I failed myself. I stopped looking down at the workaholics and began to understand their drive. In fact, I embraced my workaholism. Working for myself gave me a new depth to the level of my commitment, both personally and professionally. Being your own boss is more than paying your bills, it is the accomplishment of and joy of doing it and making it work!

Thanks to Lauren MacEwen of SM Cubed Consulting

12. Success Breeds Motivation

Our business has become much more successful than we ever imagined. Even with the years of struggles and accomplishments, it has made my life, and those around me, much more enjoyable. My entrepreneurial experiences have given me financial stability and the ability to contribute to society in meaningful ways. My success has kept me grounded and let me become a more positive role model for my family and friends. Before our business became the huge success that it is, I was motivated, but not to the fullest extent that I knew I could be. The reason being, that success breeds motivation. Once I realized that, the light finally became the brightest. I garnered all my positive energy, and became the person I wanted to be — self-made, earnest, and charitable.

Thanks to Ian Aronovich of GovernmentAuctions.org

13. Entrepreneurship For Positive Personal Change

My business dreams are working out differently, but probably better, than I expected. I have learned how much self-discipline I need to reach my goals, and it’s really helped me evolve the way I conduct myself as a professional. In that sense, my dreams are working out even better than I could have imagined, because working on my business also helps me work on “me” and more clearly define who I am and what I’m about, both in relation to my business and in my personal life. I’ve become more focused, developed a stronger work ethic and learned how to have a clearer vision for the future and what I want to accomplish. Being an entrepreneur has empowered me to make all kinds of other positive changes in my life.

Thanks to Jessica Oman of WriteAhead

14. No Excuse For Abuse

Since starting my firm, I have experienced the fulfillment of both my business dreams and my personal ones. Our advocacy for the rights of the injured has resulted in millions of dollars recovered on behalf of our clients. But more importantly, nursing homes have implemented changes in their resident care policies and have dismissed unfit employees. Hearing the stories of these victims has raised my awareness of and commitment to helping the voiceless. Financial success is one thing, helping vulnerable people have a better life is another and something I have seen concrete success in and personal gratification from.

Thanks to Jonathan Rosenfeld of Rosenfeld Law Offices

15. Flexing Entrepreneurial Muscle

In 2007, I was pregnant with my first child and hoping to find professional work to do from home. My job search quickly became frustrating after I kept running into online job scams. This experience motivated me to start my own flexible job listing Web site to help others in my situation. That being said, my original business dreams have panned out. Today, the listings on the site have increased 500% and I have a staff across the nation and even one in Europe. When starting out, as I mentioned, I hoped to help others so I am always appreciative to get feedback from a job seeker who was hired — it’s a very rewarding feeling. In that sense, it has been even better than I imagined. Because I set up a company that promotes better work/life balance, I strive to walk the walk.

Thanks to Sara Sutton Fell of FlexJobs

16. Kissing Frogs Again

It has been a long haul chasing my vision for creating fun colorful senior living environments. I had to set it down in 2008 like so many others when the recession started. Picking was difficult as I was road-weary. I had picked a business especially reluctant to change to try to revolutionize. I have never gone for easy.

Even though I have not found a pot of gold, I have found the value of a vision. I see others that lack vision and though at times I want to curse this blessing, I do know I am blessed to have it. I see what other do not….like Kermit says, “It’s not easy being green.” The road is long with some steep hills ahead, but I have others who support me in the journey. I have kissed a lot of frogs this year, but I still believe my handsome prince waits just around the corner.

Thanks to Kathy Bradway of Periwinkle Designs For Living

17. Entrepreneurship Trumps Employee Status

As a new entrepreneur, I have had a slow start. I am building my business while I work full-time. However, as I build, I have learned, and keep learning, leveraging the expertise of other successful entrepreneurs, and incorporating their advice in my business. Working full-time while building my business has also let me compare being an employee versus being an entrepreneur. For me, being an entrepreneur is superior. It is refreshing that all of my efforts today are meant to benefit me and my business. I get to steer my own future and destiny. The determination to see my business succeed has made me more focused, deliberate, and strategic in the way I think. I have definitely taken on the mindset of an entrepreneur.

Thanks to Donina Ifurung of On High Heels

18. Me – In Four Bullet Points

Being an entrepreneur has taught me to focus on the important things:

Stepping away – doing something (anything!) other than work. Go for a run, walk, bike, to Starbucks, catch up on DVR. You’ll find your efficiency will increase!

Picking a product and selling the hell out of it every day – Don’t try to reinvent the wheel, you probably won’t. Some of the greatest inventions happened by accident. Work hard, stay positive, and keep thinking – you’ll be just fine.

Embracing technology – I use a variety of web apps to manage my business. I’ve tried everything and found most through trial and error. Step outside your comfort zone and try new tools, you may find you like what you find!

Keeping an open mind – I’ve seen entrepreneurs with tunnel vision, blind to the errors of their ways. It lead them down the path of destruction and back to a desk job before they knew it.

Thanks to Michael Carney of MWC Accounting

19. Engage The Flow, Experience The Fullness Of Life.

I’ve not always wanted to have my own business, but when I settled down and had children I became interested in self-employment so I could have flexible hours and be more involved in raising my children. This actually led me to being more involved in my own life as well. What I’ve found is that I actually really like to work because I’m doing something that I love now. I have flexibility and I find that I am happiest when I’m working.

My experience as an entrepreneur has made me value who I am and what I do to a much greater extent. I see how I help people find their passion and follow their dreams and that makes me believe in myself and what I have to offer. I can no longer deny my talents, as my clients report how their lives have changed for the better from our work together.

Thanks to Wenndi Freer of Engage The Flow

20. Follow Your Passion

I am a strong believer that entrepreneurs can follow their passion and achieve the success of their dreams! It takes consistent self-development, interacting with like-minded professionals, and a plan of action to move them forward. The heart and mind of an entrepreneur is the driving force. Nourishing that drive is the key to success.

Thanks to Shirlie Taylor of Business Success Dynamics

21. The Bar Keeps Rising

The plan for our business was originally to take the Jewish nonprofit niche by storm. We are now the company that newbies emulate, and that the older, more established companies in this niche are looking to partner with. So we’ve achieved that.

The next step is to take on bigger projects – full-length documentaries and bigger TV commercials. We have some in the pipeline that will pan out with the help of God.

My entrepreneurial experiences have taught me that straight-shooting is the only way to go; anything else backfires. They have also taught me to smell a fish early on and save myself a hassle.

Thanks to Margelit Hoffman of Hoffman Productions

22. Trouble Is My Business

My big dreams for our character, Trouble The Dog, are “almost there”. This character was created by my then 12-year-old niece, due to a number of cancer losses in our family in 2006. Since then, because of an unswerving belief in this concept, we’re now presenting Trouble to networks in LA. He’s all about hope and resilience and we’ve come much farther than I ever originally envisioned. He’s definitely Divinely inspired! And so needed in today’s world.

Kids LOVE Trouble and can feel he’s got a spirit all his own. I’ve learned that if you treat others as you wish to be treated you’ll be successful; and that’s exactly what’s been happening throughout this incredible journey. Trouble The Dog is destined to be a Universal symbol of HOPE!

Thanks to Sheila Duncan of Trouble The Dog

23. An Entrepreneur’s Garden.

Who I am today, has greatly been shaped over the last 8 years as an entrepreneur, and I believe in a far better way. One of the greatest “lessons,” if you will, about being an entrepreneur is learning patience and perseverance. I spent a great majority of my life being impatient; moving aimlessly from one thing to the next. However, as I fell in love with my work, my mission(s), time didn’t matter as much; and nurturing and cultivating the dream is where the glory lies. And when the season for the crops isn’t as good as you wished or dreamed, you learn to persevere until the next go around because you fully understand what it takes to make your garden a success. Those traits definitely spill over into my personal life, especially as a single parent and mompreneur, which I very grateful for!

Thanks to Elena Patrice of WebsitesGiveBack

24. Doing What You Have To Do, To Get Where You Want To Go!

As an entrepreneur, I started out with big dreams, but as time went on those dreams began to dwindle. Realizing that I don’t have all the resources to be successful has been one of the biggest challenges. Raising cash to hire the needed resources has been the other challenge. Yet, through it all I’ve continued to press through the obstacles, refusing to throw in the towel and wave the white flag of defeat. Instead, I enrolled in college full-time to complete my degree and changed my major to computer arts to become my own graphic designer to take my companies to the next level.

As I continue to struggle financial, I have considered temporarily going back to work. Through business maturity, I now know that should I go back to work, it’s not a sign of defeat but of prevailing.

Thanks to An Sean Fields of Blessed And Favored Publishing

25. Wishing Is Not Enough, One Must Do

At the age of fourteen, a newspaper article on immigration to the United States led me, with the support of my father, to register with the US consulate. My positive thinking allowed me to overcome loss of my childhood home due to partition of India, death of my father and life as a refugee. Chase of my dream took me to England and Germany where I worked as a farm laborer before arriving in the US along with my wife and son at the age of 28 as domestics. I received a BS by attending night classes, while working in an electronics company. In 1974, I started my business with an IRS refund of $1200. Starting a business and making it grow needs the magic of thinking big. I visualized my company to be the largest turnkey contractor that led to its listing on NASDAQ in 1980.

Thanks to Maqbool Qurashi of Dream Chaser

26. For Better Or Worse: Finding Passion In Life

Our business dreams, although in the infant stage are panning out much better than we had ever dreamed. Not only are we following our passion in life – discovering art, culture & intrigue from around the world – we are now collaborating with others from around the world who are sharing their passion and inspiration with us. Collaborating with such intriguing stories is much more interesting than we ever envisioned! We are completely inspired and looking forward to where this endeavor takes us. Thankfully, when the economy went down, we decided to fulfill a dream of visiting Paris, and through this trip decided to live a passionate life, for better or worse. So far, it has been so much for the better! We honestly hope to inspire others to live their own passionate life.

Thanks to Slavica (pronounced SLAH-vee-tsah) of Seductively French

27. All Of My Dreams

Designing and creating jewelry and home decor accessories was my business dream and so far things are going well. Slowly, because it takes time to build a business, but I’ve been living my dream of having my own business succeed. My entrepreneurial experiences have made me a better person because I am more outgoing and extroverted.

Right now I am in the process of getting ready to embark on two PR activities that will bring in some financial infusion to my business. I am planning to participate in a craft fair in Boston in August. Also I am getting ready to approach a buyer.

Thanks to Jacqueline Gikow of ChelseaRainbow

28. Learning the Benefit of Failure

For the longest time, I was trying to convince myself that my failures benefitted me more than any success could, but honestly I couldn’t feel it. I was trying to hide my failures, while trying to see them as a positive, but it just wasn’t working. It wasn’t until 1 year ago that I finally got it. I started feeling strong about where I was, and how my background formed me into the strong and relentless entrepreneur that I am. Shortly after that my father passed suddenly, and I fell back into feeling weakened by all the things I had been through. Now I am stronger than ever, more relentless than ever, and more determined with less fear. Now I can see all my experiences in business and in life as positives with no need to hide them. After having to shut down my struggling T-shirt business due to my dad’s passing, I’m relaunching July 23rd with a bang. I love what I do, and this will be without a doubt the best thing I’ve done yet.

Thanks to Adrien Edwards of The Naked Hippie

29. Entrepreneurs Don’t Moan – They Work Harder

When dreaming, we all dream big. When it comes to reality, we are limited by hundreds of different things like budget, skills, experience, law, luck – the list can go on forever. When I was starting my business, I tried to think and dream real – I actually had to, because my budget was awfully scarce. I prepared myself for worse and the worst case scenario I pictured in my head was losing $780 (that was my initial investment) and starting something else from scratch. It may sound silly for some, but starting something from scratch is a total nightmare for me. Luckily, I was able to make my dream come true – I’ve grown a one-man firm into a comparatively successful service that helps people all over the world on a daily basis. Is it enough? You, my fellow entrepreneurs, know the answer.

Thanks to John White of Best Essay Help

30. Light For Your Darkness

My business has surpassed any expectations my dreams ever had. In the beginning, I wanted to succeed for selfish reasons. After years of living and giving, I realize my purpose is to help others make it to the top with me. Being in business has made me a better person. I see entrepreneurs that are hurting. They are begging to be taken advantage of just to get a chance. I have to strive to be an example that can help them see light in their business darkness.

Thanks to Derrick Hayes of WOE Enterprises

31. With My Feet In Sand

In 1998 when I awoke from a good night’s rest, I quickly told my husband that I was leaving corporate to start my own business. I went to the court to file for my name, access.office, as I guess I fell asleep the night before to access Hollywood and it just stuck.

My vision then was to help business people get work done, research, word processing, database management, marketing, public relations and supply solutions to any and all needs that came to my attention. The bigger vision was to have that be successful while my feet were in the sand, planted on the beach (even a local one is good), allowing me to direct and manage all activities from that position with a laptop at my disposal.

Thirteen years later, yes, I do manage many things with my feet in the sand. Of course business takes me to places far and wide, but when the opportunity is present, that is my favorite destination to conduct business I even meet specific clients there for consulting when possible.

Thanks to Gayle Naftaly of Access.office

32. Life Philosophy From…Van Halen?!?!

On Van Halen’s 1986 album “5150,” singer Sammy Hagar roars: “There’s still some fight in me, that’s how it’ll always be, hold your head up high, look ’em in the eye, never say die!”

While I don’t often look to Van Halen for career advice, these words resonate with me as a leadership consultant, facilitator, coach and speaker. My entrepreneurial experiences have made me into a better person in several ways. First, they’ve enhanced my self-esteem through client praise and appreciation. Second, they’ve made me realize that the work I do is honorable and worthwhile. Third, they’ve allowed me the freedom and flexibility to explore avenues more traditional jobs would discourage. Fourth, to paraphrase Hagar, they’ve strengthened my persistence, resilience and determination to be successful.

Thanks to Michael Brenner of IdeAgency

33. Character Flaws?

Being an entrepreneur has shown me greater depths of myself. So many of the “character flaws,” all those things I thought were wrong with me when I had worked in the corporate world, have turned out to be assets and strengths: independence, out of the box thinking, strong personal ethics and values, as well as a passion to learn and grow. I love the feeling of empowerment I now have, the creative opportunities that challenge me on all levels, and interacting with people in ways that are uplifting and fulfilling. I have a greater appreciation of all facets of myself, have become less of a perfectionist and take greater pleasure in all aspects of life. I now see myself as a whole person, discovering new joys every day. The world is what I make it, limited only by my imagination and dreams.

Thanks to Jennifer Bowers of Rose Bridge Creations

34. Take Action, Even In The Face Of Fear!

Being an entrepreneur allows me to earn a living and contribute to the world in a way that is incredibly self-fulfilling. I have experienced tremendous success at times and marginal success (great implementation, but less than desired income) at others. With the most recent economic downturn, I have had to dig deep down in the face of the fear and uncertainty that comes with “reinventing” oneself to find a new niche market and repackage the services that I offer. My launch date for this new service looms ahead, and the prospect of failure lurks in the back of my mind. But failure is not an option, so I am acting as though success is a “done deal,” and am taking action to move forward every day. This forward motion is critical to success, especially when you are afraid or uncertain!

Thanks to Monique Y. Wells of Understanding Time Management

Thanks so much again to all our wonderful contributors for sharing your dreams, your development as entrepreneurs and valuable business tips! We hope to hear from you again.

If you are new to the Question of the Week and would like to get involved, simply follow the link below to get started. We’d love to have you share your knowledge and experiences here too, and get a bit of PR in the process.

This week’s question is –

Mompreneur Business and Life Survival Tips

When your business is your only “baby” that can be time-consuming enough. And yet mompreneurs seem to be finding ways to juggle raising new businesses, as well as their families with success. So we’d love to know some of your strategies.

As a mompreneur, what is your best survival tip when your business AND your kids are in diapers at the same time?

Why should I join the discussion?

Because this online forum is a great place for us to exchange ideas, learn from each other and network. My goal is to unite successful women entrepreneurs to share our insights and solutions to the challenges we most commonly face in our businesses.

How do I get involved?

Every Monday I will post a new Question of the Week. This is a great opportunity for you to bring your expertise to the table. Using the link below, please submit a one paragraph response before the deadline, and the following week I will share our community responses on my blog.


I look forward to your response to this week’s question! If you have any questions you know where to find me. Have a great week!


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  1. Posted July 4, 2011 at 12:33 pm | Permalink | Reply

    Happy 4th and thank you!!! -Slavica

  2. Posted July 4, 2011 at 7:52 am | Permalink | Reply

    Happy 4th, Shannon! You are doing a great job!

    • Posted July 4, 2011 at 8:13 am | Permalink | Reply

      Thanks, John! Love to know you think so. 🙂 Thank you for your contribution this week! Amazing that you were able to start your business on such a small budget. Just goes to show what one is capable of accomplishing when they are dedicated to the process. Have a great day! Shannon

  3. Posted July 4, 2011 at 7:09 am | Permalink | Reply

    Happy Fourth of July Shannon! This is a GREAT way to start the celebrations that’s for sure! I can never, ever thank you enough or fully express my gratitude for being included in your inspiring posts. There are always so many neat stories and people to meet – love it!

    Wishing you and yours a very safe and memorable day!!

    Much kindness,


    • Posted July 4, 2011 at 8:10 am | Permalink | Reply

      Happy 4th to you, Elena! I am honored to have you as a valuable contributor to these posts each week – so THANK YOU! Loved your comment this week! Patience is an absolute necessity for entrepreneurs. Just like running a marathon, you’ve got to maintain a consistent pace, or you’ll end up behind the pack, or burn out too soon trying to sprint the entire way. So happy you enjoyed the comments of others this week, and hope you will keep sharing too. 🙂 Shannon

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